Well, not the usual SW site anyway. It's been hard work 'til I finally came up with the right layout (this is the fourth version) and title for it. I'm gonna move from Tripod in a few days, maybe sooner. Just found someone who likes my place very much and she wanna host it, which makes me so glad... Even if you're not a SW fan, hope you like what you see. Click on my sig, yo!
P.S: A few little tocuh ups coming. I'll be adding a colored scrollbar to the iframe when I upgrade to IE 6.0 (I'm currently on 5.0 and CSS codes for this matter don't work on this version), and maybe a forum focused on SW graphics and sites, and on the movies, of course
1. I don't think the splash page is really required although the graphical work is good (is that your composition?).
2. I also think you should rethink the IFRAME. As well as the cross-browser problems (NS4.x just won't show any content) the page is too long in 800x600 and so you get a scrollbar anyway. I might try one of the Doc's zscrollbars instead (they look nicer too).
More as it occurs to me. Actually that main page background is so good, and bright too, that it really distracts from the main content area.
Anyway good start,
[This message has been edited by Emperor (edited 03-11-2002).]
Thx for the feedback and the welcome, man! Yeah, that's my composition, it's a version of the site's "real" splash, which features Grand Moff Tarkin. I made this one to celebrate that today's been released the new trailer, but it may remain there, don't know yet though. Hmmm, he, he, that's funny, I didn't want to make a splash at first, but once I came up with this layout, I thought the xtremetracking tracker image wouldn't fit into it, and as long as I'm too lazy to make a custom made one, I decided to make a splash page so I could place the tracker there. And well, now it's also been useful to place the ASYLUM ring code Well, as long as I'm pretty new to iframes, I'm like a kid with brand new shoes, I just love 'em! It lets me put all the contents on one single place and then people don't have to wait for the background image (it's a bit big in file size for dial-up connections) to load on every single page. And besides that, this way I don't have to think of layout variations for every page (I'm damn, damn lazy) But what are the Doc's zscrollbars, anyway? I'd like to see 'em and try 'em, of course
Elektro: I'm on a dialup and I didn't notice too much trouble but it is your call as long as you provide an alternative for NS4.x viewers (unless you aren't expecting any??).
I'm glad to see you are quick of the mark on getting on the Asylum Ring - looks like your planning on staying (always room for another Star Wars fan!!).
Thx for the tip, headin' on over right now! Yep, I'm here to stay, like rock n' roll... Yeah, I know what you mean about NS users. Man, this really ***, I can't understand how such basic features as iframes are like Mission:Impossible for NS, what was the people who made that browser thinking when they came up with it??? Anyway, NS higher versions do support iframes at least, right? Hmmm, it's great to have a tracker... Look at this, more than the 95% of people who visits the site won't have any prob, as they use IE. And among the NS users, there are some of 'em using version 6, which does support iframes I think. I'll try to find an alternative, but I wonder if this percentage of visitors is really worth a change on something I like as much as iframes.
Damn, sure I'm gonna add a zscrollbar, they look neato! Anyway, I just downloaded the zip file, but couldn't unzip it, there was something wrong in it. Got a CRC error
NS4.x didn't support IFRAMEs because they were working on LAYERs (which were a very powerful tool in themselves). As you say IFRAMEs are supported by IE, NS6 and Opera but it does degrade v. badly (and as you say that is 5% of your visitors which is still a decent proportion). There are cross-browserish IFRAME-like solutions although as Opera doesn't allow scripting to work on IFRAMEs (have a search in the DHTML forum for a thread I started on this) it doesn't work in Opera but they may only account for a much smaller percentage of users (you could do some kind of alert for them to tell them about it) so if you do want to load files in then that might be the way to go but after the first download the background should be cached so it might not even be too much of a problem (try crunching the background file size down a bit if you can).
Downloaded it again and got the same error, CRC, some contents of the ZIP file were permanently damaged. Anyway, just saw that you can't use the scrollbar button on your muose when using a zscrollbar, so I'll stick to the windows default one, once I upgrade to IE6.0 I'll add color to it. Hmmm, as for Netscape users... Well, on the splash page there's a text sayin' that the site's intended to be viewed with IE 5.0 or higher, so... I really don't care if I miss a couple hits because of browser incompatibilities, they better change to IE instead running Netscape...
From: A graveyard of dreams Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 03-11-2002 21:16
Nice site
As Emperor said, the page is to long(or high) so I get a scrollbar for the whole page when viewing in 800x600 and when there doesn't seem to be any content on the bottom you might as well skip it
Even if you don't want to use the zscrollbar you might consider changing the colors of the scrollbar to fit into your design.
-= Veneficuz =-
"Faith: not wanting to know what is true. "- Friedrich Nietzsche
Thx Hmmm, yeah, I've already said in some of the posts above that I'll be adding color to the iframe scrollbar as soon as I upgrade to IE 6.0 As for the empty space below the iframe... Well, I want the page to scroll 'cause that's where I'll be putting the button link to the forums when they're ready, and if the page doesn't scroll, people won't be seeing it...
Son of Tarkin, I was wondering if you could tell me the code for the window inside the broswer that you can scroll on in the page itself. Or tell me where you got it from.
That's actually an IFrame, a friend of mine taught me the basis of IFrames. Here's a link for you to start learning. Take the code and experiment with it, have fun
Or better try this one, which is more comprehensive and shows you what code to insert to make all the site's sections appear in one IFrame, or in various IFrames displayed on the main page. There are lots of possibilities, and they're real easy.