I'm using a three colum layout on a css site I have in the works. Please ignore the horrible graphics and colors,
first I'll focus on the technical problems, and then attempt to make it look nice. =)
The problem I have is the sign in colum on the right side of the screen. In IE5.5 on some of the pages it lines up perfectly with a 0 margin in my css...and on some is leaves a wacky space to the side. It is the same peice of code on each page, included via SSI, in fact, all the code on the different pages should be exactly the same, only differing in content. If I change the margin to 13, the ones that are wrong now get fixed, but the ones that are right now get messed up.
Lineup Example
Netscape Example
Another weird thing is that they are only screwed up when the page loads. If you go to a messed up page, and then click back and then click forward...it lines up properly. If you are on a page and the problem is showing,
you can open IE's options menu, change an option, click cancel, and it fixes itself! It has to be something about the way the browser is rendering the css...but I sure don't know how to fix it.
Also, the member login is controlled by vbscript...once logged in it shows your user name and user access level...but in Netscape 6, the css border only goes around the non vbscript text part, and leaves the login boxes out in the open. Any hints?
(I have no idea if the site even shows up in opera or ns4, I still haven't had time to do much testing.)
[This message has been edited by clevergeek (edited 03-13-2002).]