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ranjan: Ranjan as it is a personal site you can amuse yourself with whatever bits of technology you feel like and so whatever I say doesn't really matter too much: 1. I dislike pop ups and I dislike chromeless ones even more. 2. Those birds (esp. the duck) don't look good against that background and I would be wary about using such things unless they looked good and complimented your page. 3. The moving background is OK but on this machine and Op6 it looks a little jerky. 4. Your menu is a little slow and doesn't seem to work well in Opera. Hmmm it looks like it has crashed IE6 so I'll stop there. I like the concept - clean open sky that kind of thing but the implementation could do with a little work. Try and have just a few animated touches and overall try and make things more sublte and get them working as a coherent unit so that they all contribute to the look (at the moment things like the moving sky, poorly aliased duck, etc. all 'jar' and take away from the effect). I like what you are trying for - keep trying different ideas and tweaking things and test on a number of browsers. Emps
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