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I thought of some more mouse control, and of course, more pictures. 21 lines code, yeah.. Thanks a lot, good Doc. I could add a vertical scrolling onmousemove, of course, [b]a "central" timer/loop to control all animations at the same time[/b] - done - , maybe a way to dynamically "change" galleries (dynamically load 5-8 images at the same time, and store all preloaded images to a global control array). The "clear" touch is inspired by some "lost page" by Kevin Doyle, and now that I look back a this, I can notice the similarities with OSx's taskbar. [b] It was a technical experiment, also, trying to "immitate" something of TinyPTC, a Java graphics booster technique/API, hence the strange "multitasking", each image it's own timer, any animation is just "streamed", played regardless of whatever happens around, regardless of the common timer clashes. [/b] [b][edit]bad idea[/edit][/b] Improvements will come, good Doc, I'm releasing a bunch of dhtml snippets these days, dunno why, but dhtml is still cool as a changemind. As well as Action Script ;)... [This message has been edited by InI (edited 04-29-2002).]
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