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Taking some of Brucew's advive onboard: --------------------------------------------- The first sound I hear of a morning is my alarm clock. It?s one of those cheap $20 jobs that manages to squeeze out a sound not unlike nails scraping across a blackboard. Pounding madly for the off button I somehow manage to pull myself out of bed and shuffle my way into the kitchen. A seductive growl sings out from my coffee percolator as I anxiously await my reward. I poor the liquid into my mug while a rich and sensuous odour saturates the air. This is the turning point of my day? Coffee may not be the only reason to wake up in the morning but it?s a better reason than going to work. Nevertheless, there?s a lot more to coffee than a reason to get up in the morning. I could waste pages of valuable bandwidth telling you just what coffee is and how?s it made, but I?m not going to do that. I?d prefer us to explore some of the more interesting things about coffee, the bizarre tales, legends, myths and occasionally some facts. Coffee?s not just a substance; it?s a thing, a concept, a butterfly and a caterpillar all at once, it?ll even sing songs to you! Although, if all you?re after are some boring old facts about how coffee is made then you better off asking your local coffee shop waitress or browsing through my (Link -> ) links section (<- Link). On the other hand, If you want to embark on a journey through the world of coffee with a bag of chocolate coated beans then you?d better swallow the red pill because Kansas is about to go bye bye. ---------------------------------------------
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