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mel: I've deleted those multiple posts. A general point about convention - things are conventional for a few reasons: 1. They are known to work. 2. Users expect it. You have movement in a page to attaract people's attention to it and if their attention is being drawn to an element then people expect it to be clickable. The same goes for Suho1004's point about different fonts. Anyway your site is an definite improvement on the previous designs some points: 1. What does the 'enter' button do other than make an odd bar appear? 2. When I click on Flash I get 3 spheres but there is no indication of what they do or anything. 3. The print page's navigation (and that on the misc page) is pretty strange. Overall it looks better than before but the navigation is even more baffling. I know its not finished but... This is your portfolio site which should make it simple and easy for people to find your stuff. All you will succeed in doing is mystifying potential clients. Things will improve once you've got more content in and settle on a system of navigation but you might be better of having this kind of interface on a 'play' site rather than one designed for business but that is just my opinion. ___________________ Emps FAQs: [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/FaqWiki/shownode.php?id=53]Emperor[/url]
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