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Cool, thanks for that. I always forget about the @import. Not used to using it. I do need to do something with the links in the menu. At the top, they get a little hidden with the background. I have fixed the CSS on the Pets pages. The images are now aligned with the text on one side and the images on the other. Bad thing is, I had to use the box model hack to do it. I tried to avoid that since that isn't "Compliant". I continue to work on it until I can either do it compliant wise or just say screw it and use what I have. One question. In the interior pages, I have the titles "About" "Gallery" and such at the top and then again at the right corners. Is this OK, or is there something that someone would suggest. Thanks for the replys :D Glad you like it. Took me forever to do the CSS and XHTML. I didn't use a template from someone else, this way I could learn it on my own. Later, C:\ [b]~Binary is best~[/b]
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