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I like it... very elegant. I don't have too many quibbles with the design itself. If I may make a few suggestions, though: 1) eliminate links that go to the same page (in other words, on the home page, you should disable the link to the home page...) 2) The colors in the upper left and lower right graphics don't seem to match... I think the right graphic is more saturated, and the hue seems to be different. It's not glaring, but it does seem a little odd. As for the text itself, I wonder how the titles would look without the underline. Although not all underlined text means link these days, one could still make the mistake--not to mention that I think it would just look neater without the underline. Your call, of course. Also, I would recommend a spell check before you put up journal entries--typos and spelling mistakes can take away from the atmosphere. I know that the general mood of the web is moving away from any semblance of proper grammar or spelling, but there are still some of us out there who value such things. Nice job overall, though. [img]http://disk919.com/sig/suho1004_0210.gif[/img] [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/FaqWiki/shownode.php?id=270]Cell 270[/url]
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