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For those who want a link, [url=http://allen-designs.tk]http://allen-designs.tk[/url] First impression: unnecessary splash page. Not only does it serve no purpose, it's also difficult to figure out exactly how to get into the site. Admittedly, the arrows help one figure that out, but you should still remove the splash page. Ooooh. I see why you have a splash page: popup. Popups are a no-no. Especially non-resizeable popups; the page doesn't fit in it perfectly for me, so I get scrollbars, and I'm unable to resize the window to fix that. The first page I see has no content on it. That's two pages so far without any real text. Choose which part of your site is the most important (probably "news") and make sure that when I go to your site, that's the *very* first thing I see: no splash page, no intermediate page. Oh, goodness, *another* popup! Bad idea. You should never have one popup, let alone multiple popups. Use regular HTML hyperlinks, not these javascript popups. The background image behind the text on your "news" page is too busy to read the text over. The contrast in that background image needs to be reduced. You should check your spelling and consider whether you want this "tone" in your writing if you're planning on using this site professionally. So. Overall? I give it a 6 or 7 on style (the images are decent, I sort of like the background when it's not covered with text), and a 2 or 3 on design and useability. The number one issue that you should focus on first, IMO, is the popups. Make regular HTML pages that fit in a browser window; you should be able to do this without having to recreate too many images. The HTML will need tweaking in the process, though. Heh, all that said, I just noticed your age, and that makes me think you did pretty well, knowing it's probably [one of] your first sites. [This message has been edited by Slime (edited 10-17-2002).]
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