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[quote]honestly who uses that gay resolution?[/quote] Uh, everybody and their fucking brother...but that's not the point. The point is, if your'e designing a website you presumably want people to be able to VIEW it. So you need to learn how to properly code a site that will regardless of the user's screen resolution. [quote]i have tried everthign and the only thing i can think of is a resizable window[/quote] You have not nearly begun to try all of the possible solutions. A resizable window? What does that mean exactly?? [quote]is this forum all about the negatives?[/quote] Not at all. But we're not about the 'bling bling baby' bullshit either. If you want to run around tooting your own horn over some half ass shit, go right ahead. Just don't expect us to join in. You have received some *very* good advice from some very talented and intelligent people. Feel lucky. [quote]any other options about this stupid breaking up because of a gay resolution? [/quote] Again, the 'gay' resolution is not at fault. Anything higher than 800x600 breaks the page. Not because of anything the resolution has done wrong, but because the page is poorly coded. Options? Their are tons. Most notably, skip tables altogether and go with a CSS controlled layout. [url=http://www.gurusnetwork.com/tutorials]http://www.gurusnetwork.com/tutorials[/url] will give you a great start with CSS. For more info got to [url=http://www.w3.org]http://www.w3.org[/url] Alternatively, if you're not willing for some godforsaken reason to learn to do it without tables, learn how to properly code a table so that it won't break. Learn how to properly cut up your images so that they can be put into a properly coded table. And lern how to have a little respect for the people who take their own time to come in here and help you learn and improve your site. [url=http://in-dented.com/sigs.html] [img]http://in-dented.com/sigs/indentsig.gif[/img] [/url]
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