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DigitalChalice - Genesis
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Okay, your splash screen honestly makes me giggle. It's like Emperor said -- it's like someone made it as a practical joke. "Say, let's make a site with as many ill-advised design choices as possible!" I click "Standard mode," and what's this? A [b]non-resizable[/b] window pops up, set to the width of my desktop. Why is this a problem? Because I have a two-monitor system in Windows 2000, buddy, and that means that your site is sprayed all the way across two screens. Fortunately for my sanity, I get a "loading background" text, with no animation or preload percentage, and that's it for the next thirty seconds. I click the Close button like a man who has barely escaped execution. Now. If your site is art, you can do literally anything you want with it (although clearly there are people you're not going to reach, like me. By the way, I tried this out with Internet Explorer 6.0, so I'm not sure what browser you're coding to.) But if your site is meant to serve any specific use -- if it's meant for people to go to and see things on it -- then you might want to scrap it all and start at the plain-HTML beginning. edit: Just tried it in Mozilla, for kicks, but couldn't even get a splash screen. When I checked the source, it looked normal at first, but had a script tag like this: var cv50=5706;bt='<tl<ed<citd ouetlyr;a=dcmn.l;e=dcmn.eEeetydw idwsdbrvrmg`;idwoe=ulwno.lr=ulfnto e({euntu}wno.nro e;a 6;ucini({fd)dcmn.nrgtr=ucin({eunfle;o i=0i ouetiae.eghi+{ ouetiae()zgleym n`};fd)fnto I({mg;eunfle}fnto c)dcmn.notxmn I;eTmot"c),0);c)}fnto N(){fd
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