This is just a first release, Malin and I needed a shared web-based calendar system to handle our appointments and to-do lists and such, and I couldn't find anything reliable to download! So, I had the first bits of a calendar display script for a client, and I just added some MySQL bits to let me input data to the system. Yah, it breaks after the next leap year (I have time to fix it, I guess ;-) It's probably not the most efficiant use of SQL either, but once I get the interface settled I figure I'll open it up for download by the public, maybe someone else will make it more efficient? If anyone would like to play with this script, let me know, I'll make it available, it's pretty simple to set up.
Why a review? Mostly I want to build a list of bugs, which I can get to sometime next week. (Sooner if I avoid my paying work like I've been doing, heh.) I'd also be interested in any suggestions on basic features it should have, but remember, like most of my widgets, I want it to remain simple! I have the code in place to allow for multiple to-do lists, and I guess I should also have some kind of user authentication, but for now, it does it's job.
So, what d'ya think? Email me if you want me to send you the code so you can play with it. =)
Oh yeah, BTW, it's wide open right now, no login required. Add events if you'd like, or put things on my to-do list. Try not to break it *too* bad if you wouldn't mind, heh. Find bug, yes, but if you find some glaring security hole, just email me so I can fix it, cool?
Your pal, -doc-
[This message has been edited by DocOzone (edited 01-27-2003).]
From: The Land of one Headlight on. Insane since: May 2001
posted 01-27-2003 20:04
Using IE 5.0 I get 'strobing' moving from day to day. The faster the mouse moves... the faster the strobe.
Is that a bug or an unDoc'umented feature? =) (rimshot please)
From: Somewhere over the rainbow Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 01-27-2003 22:51
The poster has demanded we remove all his contributions, less he takes legal action.
We have done so.
Now Tyberius Prime expects him to start complaining that we removed his 'free speech' since this message will replace all of his posts, past and future.
Don't follow his example - seek real life help first.
I entered a url which squished the calendar. deleting the http://www shortened the url enough to unsquish the calendar
also, the <br> tag worked
the only thing you *might* want to add (depending on how complicated the code may be?) is a way to move through the calendar more quickly than just month to month... maybe just using letters for the unselected months?
J F M April M J J A S O N D ?
[This message has been edited by DL-44 (edited 01-29-2003).]
Maniac (V) Lord Mad Scientist Sovereign of all the lands Ozone and just beyond that little green line over there...
From: Stockholm, Sweden Insane since: Mar 1994
posted 01-29-2003 12:17
Yow. Well, if you *had* been able to view it you would have seen one of the things on my to-do list was to actually check this beast in any other browser than IE6, heh. =) I just checked, it also nlows up big-time in older Netscape, and it crashes Opera completely, (error log entry, closing app, poof!) Actually, this part won't be too hard to do, now that I have the basic code for drawing boxes for the days I could try and do the whole display in CSS instead. For now though, since it's doing the job I wanted it to (ie: a shared calendar and to-do list for Malin and I) I'll probably have to wait until I get more time.
Updates I probably *will* do pretty quick is the thing with the "quick month jumps" mentioned above, I noticed that lack right off the bat. It'll probably be some kind of text/CSS effect, so I could probably show the number of entries for that month? One of the things I miss the most is the ability to move an entry from one day to a different one, I have a drag$drop script I did for a client that moight work well for this, view it on the right, and drag it into the calendar on a different day? I notice DL added some things to the "Feature Request" list, thanks DL! This is a fun project, it let's you organize things in the same tool, that don't happen too often, heh.
I love calendars! And I would rather have your kind of calendars, Doc, than the ones I make in Word and put up on the fridge. That would make my fiance use them too, I guess.
This is a great calendar, looks neat and is clear. And I would really love to have one! Are you planning on selling the program or code, Doc?
One problem I notice in my computer: When I click on Feb 03 is shows Jan 03. The link Mar 03 shows Feb 03 and so on. Does anyone have the same problem? Ehum, I guess it is a problem and not one of Doc's games... I have IE 6.0.
Kasta sten i glashus? Jag?
[This message has been edited by Kartis Shone (edited 02-01-2003).]
Although I wish you didn't use those IE text filters cause If you use XP's ClearType text smoothing feature it renderes the text pratically unreadable.
This is sweet! I love the side tabs. They seem like they just belong there, very nice touch. I've actually been meaning to make something similar myself to help keep me organised at Uni. Kind of an online organiser/file storage space/class timetable all rolled into one but lets face facts, I'm never gonna get around to actually do it before I get bogged down with assignments again. Maybe this'll help organise me enough to actually get it done. Heh... Heh, wouldn't that be just a little bit ironic.
NS 6.2 WinXP - Same as DL-44's screen captures.
NS 7.0 WinXP - Same again
Mozilla 1.2 WinXP - Same again.
Opera7 *beta* (Ooh lookie there, Opera 7 final is out!) - Nothing but the green BG color, two scrollbars - one on eather side of the page. It didn't crash though. =)
Suggestion1 - Drop down list to select Time Zone. Could be really handy for the traveling types. -Saved by cookie?
Suggestion2 - Phrasing of /n to <br> and possibly UBB style tags for basic formatting.
Suggestion3 - File attachments to notes? - Could work wonders as a development calender for internationl projects.
Suggestion4 - Identifable multiple users (I assume you already have this as you said it was for you and Malin but...)
Suggestion5 - Filling out all the days in the table (even those few of the pervious/past month that can be seen) and make it so you can to click through to the next/previous month that way, loading that month with the day clicked as the focused day. - did that make sense?
[This message has been edited by Dracusis (edited 02-01-2003).]