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Anovia Contempt - Personal Website
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"If you can't handle that, Go fuck yourself because I really don't give a shit" could probably be expressed in a manner that would make more people want to stick around and read what you have to say. The crosshair *is* sort of a cheap effect that I'd encourage you to drop. The image on the top is alright, except that it sort of looks like a banner and doesn't really integrate with the page itself. You might want to shrink its height and increase its width (or somehow make it into a background image), since it's not good that one has to scroll down just to see the title of the web site. The journal link, as DL said, shouldn't pop up in a new window; this is unnecessary. "Before using ANY of the content on this site, Ask Permission or I WILL sue" could also be more delicately stated. I must admit I'm suspicious that you'd actually [be financially able to] take legal action if someone stole stuff from your web site, and this comment may encourage others to do it just out of spite. Overall, it's not bad, it could be better.
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