*wipes sweat from forehead* Woah, my head is still there!
Thanks Jason! I certainly agree with most of what you are saying.
You say the links are "the bold ones, sometimes". Does that mean you found any links that weren't bold? And you are right about that the colour would need some kind of accent. I have "accented" it way over what the client wanted already (plain blue with black text), and they are quite happy about it so far. Maybe I should put in a red-like colour for links instead of just making them bold? It is actually confusing that some text is bold almost the same way as the links are. Any other suggestions?
Yep, you're right about the linking to the teacher's page. I think it is too little of content for each teacher to make a page for each of them, so I think I will simply remove the anchors and link to the top of the teacher's page instead. Thanks for that. I have actually thought of it before, but wasn't sure.
Looks like you were going for that trendy traced bitmap effect but didn't quite make it.
Well I don't know anything about the trendy traced bitmap effect you are referring to, but those colour tonings have become a thing on my sites. I just have to "tone in" all the sites I make somehow. "All" pages on the net have lines and squares. It's clean and neat, but I guess the reason to why I want gradients is to make it softer. A female thing, I guess...
But I will give the dancer picture a try to make the edges crispier. Had it that way from the start, but it looked kinda nasty. Will try again, though. The old nested table version of the site has some of those ingredients: http://www.malmo.bostream.se/richcris/studioonegamla/
The NO1 Dance Studio graphic is pretty static filled as well.
Yep, you're right. It's their logo, though. Both the dancer and the NO.1 are their logos, so I can't do much about them really. When you say static filled, do you mean it would be cool to make it a little 3D-ish?
By the way, go to the teacher's page (Lärare) and click on the link next to the teacher called Rigoberto. There you will see an example of great web design!
*shivers* The link is here too: http://www.salsa-latina.com/ That is an example of what my client has to compare with...
Kasta sten i glashus? Jag?
[This message has been edited by Kartis Shone (edited 07-06-2003).]