so wat is not good at my website?
and i know hou easy it is hou to say that. every one can say wat is not good so tell me wat is good to do otherwise then?
Very colourful and imaginative.
I think you could do with some alternative text to show over the buttons.
Also there doesn't seem to be much of a theme to the whole thing, and ytes you could certainly do with some help with the English translation.
What you want is a entirely new site.
1) get rid of flashing things
2) if you use tiles then make them fit together
3) don't use that kinda table borders ... if possible dont use visible borders at all (i think it was <table border="-0"> )
4) waay too many banners
5) everyone has a calendar themselves ...especially useless is that kinda javascript clock that shows exactly the same time that windows's clock shows
6) i like that Dragon Kiss banner with two little dragons
7) get rid of these huge grey buttons
8) make your website work with different resolutions ... actually it kinda works but with opera this look just horrible
9) make your website work with different browsers
10) think of a theme ... i really didnt understand what's that site about
11) get different buttons ... ones that would look nice
get rid of that kinda things:
and that kinda things:
and hey I didn't mean to be rude, you maybe just lack experience
i'm sure you will make brilliant sites somewhere in the future
[This message has been edited by Arthurio (edited 07-07-2003).]
[This message has been edited by Arthurio (edited 07-07-2003).]
And the moral of this story is: Posting a link to a site in the Asylum will light up the server stats at the other end (unless they get big traffic) so think twice before saying something derogatory.
Second moral to this story: No matter how bad you think someone's site is there are always hundreds of others out there that suck more. Lets not throw criticisms around without being asked for advice.
Dragon kiss: Do you want me to move this to site reviews so you can turn this to your advantage and sort out the problems with your site?
Actually, you'd be much better off using CSS rather than tables... but if we are going to discuss the site I think this thread would be better off in Site Reviews...
Let me suggest this to you.. think of your site as a house with different rooms.. you now have everything in the entryway. You can create other rooms each with a different theme.. movies, books, music, favorite links.. and so on.
You don't have to use the images/banners provided by the sites you link to...
Be kind to your viewers, many are still using modems. Music and animated things slow things down and many users won't wait for your site to complete it's download.
Personally, I dislike that grey background your buttons are sitting on
and do consider the suggestions posted by Big Al and Arthurio...
[edit] btw, your calendar/clock applet crashed the first time i brought up your site in Opera.. you do need to test your pages in different browsers to see how they look! not everyone uses ie ...
also at the upper right corner of this page you will find a link "FAQ?".
there is lots of info in the faq including a link to :FAQ: web design
and for newcomers: :FAQ: reception room
[This message has been edited by velvetrose (edited 07-18-2003).]