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I agree, the dashed border reminded me of the sticthing in sails (i've done a bit of sailing in my time). Appart fomr what's already been said I only have a few comments. The menu links could use a little more padding around them, as could the main site title; the whole header section is feeling a little cramped to me. The indenting of elements for the news section also seems a little overdone (I'm not sayi you should remove the indenting, just don't indent quite as much as you currently are), same goes for the links section and the links themselves could probably benifit from some added line spacing to make it look less congested. Nice work. Also, there really is very little need to alter the list icon if your intenting. Keeping them all disc's and going from dark blue to light blue as you indent would probably work better as the indenting does a good enough job of visually seperating the different levels.
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