I have to agree with much of what has been said. A quick reiteration -
* Type - most of this page is rather hard to read.
* Color - there are too many conflicting colors. Try using the logo to set the color scheme, and go from there. The white hover on the links, over the pale grey background is very distracting.
* Borders - whoah! confusing. Again, too much - simplify.
In addition, there are a few issues that I feel need addressing. Some of these are not in reference to the visual design, but rather the undercarraige.
* Doctype - you need one. Of course, that also means choosing and sticking to a HTML version. I think it would be beneficial to go with a strict doctype, as it would help force you to clean up some of that code.
* CSS - it needs some help. There are some odd things in the CSS, and I think a more indepth study of the language would help a lot. The FAQ has some great CSS resources, and the Gurus Network has a very nice series of CSS tutorials.
Example -
"inset" and "outset" should not be combined on any element - the border is either inset, or it's outset. Such as "border: #000 1px inset".
*ID's - I notice you have an ID specified on all kinds of elements that don't need one for any reason, and in some cases, have inline styles specified for them as well. A big part of the purpose of the ID is to allow you to predefine stlye info in the style sheet.
*Code in general - You seem to have ar more tables than you need (in fact you really don't need tables at all for this layout), and you have way to much information specified in all of the <td> tags that is severely repititious, and probably makes your page's file size a 3 times more than it needs to be. You also have the dreaded <font> tag (also repeated far more than it could possibly be needed), which has been deprecated forever now. Again, further understanding of CSS will help eliminate your need for this.
So, to sum it up - I've certainly seen much worse, but it needs a lot of cleaning up both up front and underneath.
Back to the "simplfy" idea - it doesn't mean that you have to be boring, or dull, or any of that. It just means that you need to focus the presentation a little more narrowly, in order to get the point across. To much "stuff" and it's all lost in a jumble.