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Nice header image... The rest of the site could use a lot of work though. I could tell without looking at the source that this was a table based design. The whole thing looks like a throwback to the mid 90's -- lots of conflicting colours, millions of border types all fighting for dominance in some rather un attractive ways and it appears no attention at all was paid to the typography. Oh and what's the point of the front page if you don't provide any way to link back to it? Advice? Aim for something simpler. Minimise the ammount of colours and if you must use more than one sade of any colour, don't just vary the hue, unless you get downright funky with the colour minor hue shitfs will always make a design look tacky. Oh and just because CSS lets you use different border styles does not mean you should, and that goes for anything really. Only use graphical treatments if you have a reason to do so. If you can't justify to yourself the need to use 4 different border styles on one page then just stick with the one style that best suits your overall treatments. Speaking of colour, you might want to study up on colour and design. For starters, if your header contains only greys, you'll need to be very slective about the kinds and ammount of colours you use throughout the rest of your website. [url=http://www.noahgrey.com]www.noahgrey.com[/url] is someone who uses a grey major colour scheme extreamly well IMHO. Spend a couple of hours reading about typography. Know it, love it and for gods sake use it. It really will make a world of difference to your website.
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