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[quote]I only personally use two fonts for the internet - times roman or arial. I thought that was a basic rule of the internet?[/quote] GAH! :eek: OK, gotta calm down... breathe deep... breathe deep... ok. I think I've got a hold of myself now. Where to begin? Times (New) Roman and Arial? Crap... gotta starting breathing again... breathe... ok. OK, TNR is a nice typeface for print, I'll give you that. [url=http://www.ms-studio.com/articles.html]Arial just plain sucks[/url], no matter which way you slice it. Neither of them were designed for screen reading. What you see on the screen when you use TNR or Arial are screen approximations of what you will eventually see in print. Now, there are typefaces designed specifically for use on the screen--that is, their primary use is screen reading, they are not merely approximations of a print typeface. Two of the best known screen typefaces are Georgia and Verdana (serif and sans-serif, respectively). If you have Windows on your system, you most likely have these fonts. If you don't, you can probably find them somewhere (Microsoft unfortunately no longer offers these fonts for free download). Rather than go through an extended discussion of why Georgia and Verdana are better than TNR and Arial, I would urge you to try them out for yourself. Replace TNR with Georgia and Arial with Verdana, and tell me if it doesn't look more readable (and nicer, to boot). If, after seeing the difference, you still think TNR and Arial are better, well, that's your choice. Personally, I prefer typefaces that were designed with screen reading in mind. Of course, I'm not advocating a strict adherence to [i]only[/i] Georgia and Verdana. I just brought them up as substitutes for the two notorious typefaces you mentioned. Sorry for getting all huffy up there--I tend to get worked up about little things like this. Don't mind me. ;) ___________________________ Suho: [url=http://www.liminality.org]www.liminality.org[/url]
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