Not too much to say, and much of it is personal preference anyway, so take what follows as you will...
The first thing I noticed was the jumble on the left, behind the menu. I'm not sure why you have that, but it is very distracting, and I personally don't find it to be too pleasing aesthetically. It also makes it very difficult to read the contact info below the menu. I think you would be better served here by a simpler set up.
Although I suppose it's not a big deal, I generally try not to use my link colors for any other text elements to avoid confusion. The first letters of your paragraphs are the same color as the links--while not many people will mistake those letters for links (but you never know), they do make it harder to scan a page for links, especially when the color stands out like it does. I would drop the colored letters--I don't really think you need them.
Now, two things about the links themselves. I can't believe that we are now in the 21st century and people are still using "click here". Make your link text meaningful in and of itself, like "online application form" or "mail-in application forms". Also, I have a personal pet peeve with links that become harder to read when you hover over them. This may not be doctrine, but I don't think a link should become harder to read when the user moves the mouse over it (and the pink here is harder to read against the white than the red is).
I'm also not sure about Comic Sans for your sub-headers. It seems to be one of the more overused typefaces these days.
Just a few thoughts. Sorry if this was a bit terse, but I'm not feeling too swell today. I've been a bit under the weather. Hopefully my comments will be of some help to you.