ohhhhh... DL, you sly thing, you.
Read through the above comments.... even if something was mentioned, I just might mention it again.... just because.
I'm a king when it comes to being opinionated... so here goes.
I love the orange bit along the top. Quite tasty, indeed. I almost want more orange (height-wise)... but I don't know if the design could handle it.
Overall I really like it. Easy on the eyes... not too much... not too little. However, in some aspects it does sit uneasily with me. The focus being slightly off-set looks more like accident than purpose. It bothers me not because it's off-set... but the fact that links border both sides.... some given a lot of space... some given little.
Just seems *weird*.
I'm very comfortable with your colour choices as I skim the page downwards. But again, I hit a snag. Where the content area meets the footer, things don't jive well for my eyes. I haven't been able to pin down why that area bothers me and the top doesn't. The only thing I can come up with is that you've got that "extra" section of space that sports the same background colour as the content area down there.
I imagine that your intent is to keep things balanced by having that there.... but I think things get a little too "liney" with no *stuff* to fill the spaces. At the minimum, I'd take a look at the page without that block of space there. Not all of your pages have that chunk. Maybe it's something you're already thinking about/toyed with.
Your design, though it doesn't give me the "lonely" feel described above by SPyX, jumped right out at me with the fact that it doesn't cover much of the page. Personal preferences I suppose.......... I happen to browse with a maximized window. Although it doesn't bother me too much on the main page, some of the subpages really get hurt by it. The "Sketches" pages being the most obvious examples.
I'm quite content with the height of the main page... and I would personally rather see heights of the content "window" at least the same as the main page. To see a large chunk of tan space in the middle as opposed to the sight of nearly my entire screen being grey, would be preferable.
****** And I've just noticed that the main page's height is dependent on the length of the "random wisdom".
Regardless... I think I've made my views clear enough through this little section of babble.
One other thing I might consider (or take a look at) is making it so the buttons on the bottom are on top of that green-ish stripe going across the page. Then maybe slipping the copyright to the bottom of the content window. Just a quick thought.
A few random things that kinda scratch at my skin....
The word "navigate".... not capitalized. (and "sections" in the "asylum stuff" section) It looks odd when thrown into the fray. It looks like a mistake, really (until you see the same thing in the "asylum stuff" section). To add to that.... "navigate" and the date don't sit on the same horizontal plane as the actual navigation buttons. Weird.
I love the hover states. Mo' orange!
While I'm still on the capitalization kick: The copyright line.... "Copyright © 2003 Jamie Briggs. in-dented.com"
Then in your banner of sorts..... the D is capitalized. Nit-picky, I know. ~ Just thought that I'd mention it was noticed.
On the main page I noticed "Database" was capitalized. Is there a reason? Am I wrong for thinking that it shouldn't be?
The content on the main page says that "Updates are listed to the right". Where?
On the right, all I see is links to other stuff.
Tried to click "random wisdom" because I thought it was a link at first. No-go. I'd take the underline off.... as well as size it down to the same size as the text underneath.
Might even evenly space the quote between the texts above and below it.
- Looked around a bit more on the main page and for some reason (I really have no idea why) I came to the conclusion that the "more" at the bottom of the center content area was going to tell me more about the site. Kinda threw me off when I got to a whole new page that wasn't linked in the actual navigation. I like the fact that it's not one of the navigation links... but I think you should move the "more" up to the same line as "There are 75 quotes by 47 authors." Make the "more" line up with the right side of the box around the quote as well.
Had some weirdness happen while I was hoppin' through pages. One time on the main page, the vertical lines didn't stretch through the entire content area to the bottom. They stopped about 15px too short. I've tried refreshing numerous times, but it hasn't happened again.
On the "Sketches" page. The "Mid" section thumbnail is a little off. It's a bit high and left.
You've apparently got a thing for random hyphens at the end of phrases or sentences -
"Newest entries on the last gallery -"
"my Comments area (places a publicly viewable comment on the page) -"
Two other places you've used them on the "About" page could be replaced with colons. Personal prefs.
On the "Links" page:
I think it's safe to ditch the "