Oh dear. You've broken one of the fundamental rules of web development.
You didn't test in multiple browsers whilst building the website. Unfortionatly it's a rule we all seem to learn the hard way. I know I certainly did. I spent hours crafting ingenoius table structures in NN3 only to find that IE3 would rip my design to shreads.
The site looks fine in the major roundup: IE, Moz, Opera & Firefox. Yet, the menu links aren't clickable in any broser save IE. This is why you sould be using proper and semantic markup instead of a shotgun marrage of table hacks and inline CSS.
I don't really have time to look into the problem, but I can only assume you have some CSS positioning issues where you have an element overlapping the menu, which might be invisible (or part invisible, parhaps some overlapping padding or margins on a higher z-index), but according to the standards this will still block clickable links. So, the other browsers are actually doing things correctly and IE is just letting you get away with murder so to speak.
It looks nice though. Simple, clean and to the point. Can't really go wrong with that. Obvious issues asside, you've done well.
[This message has been edited by Cameron (edited 03-30-2004).]