Unfortunately there is a couple of issues with the css...
First of all you must specify units when you're using numbers, if you don't the browser has no way of knowing what you're talking about. Only when setting something to 0 is it acceptable to skip the unit, since 0em is the same as 0px etc.
You don't need to specify display: block when using a div, the default is block for divs in all browsers. Nothing wrong with stating it though...
I think you need to change the \ in the url to /, at least no images are showing for me.
The border of the "main_content" should be: border: 1px solid black, you've switches places between 1px and solid.
The div names shouldn't say anything about where on the page the elements are or how they look, all the div names should convey is the elements function. You've managed this pretty good, but #left_nav should be changed to something like #sub_nav instead. Reason for this is that you might want to create another stylesheet for the page and on that stylesheet you might have the #left_nav on the right hand side. Since the div is called #left_nav that would look strange, but if it was called #sub_nav it wouldn't look strange since that name only conveys the function of the div and not what it looks like.
And on to your questions:
1. Padding has nothing to do with the surrounding elements, it only affects child elements. To specify how much space should be left between to elements you should use margin instead.
2. Since you have a specified width of the left_nav you can change the styles to this:
#left_nav {
float: left;
width: 149px;
margin-left: 160px;
That will keep a 160px space free to the left of the #main_content, but since the #left_nav is floated to the left it will "float up" and will that space.
I think this post would have fitted better in the CSS forum, since it isn't a site review.
"There are 10 kinds of people; those who know binary, those who don't and those who start counting at zero"
- the Golden Ratio -