This was about my final project for the course I was taking.
I have built a site, out of a data XML file, that lists course information. I'm using cocoon and all the html pages are built on-the-fly. I have only XSLT stylesheets to build them (and the XML source file). The main data file, an XML file, has all the course information. The element "title", child of the element "course", may have some <i> and </i> tags embedded in it, so to make the title italics in some parts. But this is okay for xhtml output. When I'm outputting WML or PDF files, these tags are not good, I wanted to delete them or change them to an equivalent XSL-FO tag.
BUT, AN IMPORTANT UPDATE: my deadline was yesterday, so I have already finished my project and there is no time for changing it anymore. What I did was to delete all the embedded tags from the data file.
If you want to take a look at the finished project, here it is:
Anyway, thanks for the reply.