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Flash4/Dreamweaver Import .swf
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Chad: I'd go by your own results, minus a little for safety. That 800x600 is pretty arbitrary to begin with, and [b]does not account[/b] for all the browser junk at the top and bottom of the window - the navigation buttons and the status bar that are part of your browser's interface (not the stuff that you build into your own navigation system). So 800x600 is misleading. If you got 799pix by 488pix from your own situation, I'd try your next Flash movie at no bigger than 750 px wide by 475 px high and see how that feels. Also - if all you need out of html is the "container" to hold the Flash movie, you don't even need DreamWeaver. Set up the publish options in Flash to save the swf *and* html, and when you choose "Publish", Flash will generate the html, setting the background to be the same as your Flash background. Automatically! It will specify the same background color as the background you have selected for the Flash movie, so if your browser window is bigger than the Flash movie, the color matches. I will sometimes go into the html and add center tags to move the movie away from the top left corner, but otherwise it's pretty painless. Go get 'em. I like persistant people. :) [img]http://people.ne.mediaone.net/s-nelson/sigs/opticBall.gif[/img]
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