OZONE Asylum
Flash vs. Photoshop
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I think part of the problem with sound on sites is that its always so uncreative. If you can get really bizarre sounds that take anvantage of this wonderful thing called "STEREO" i'll take a listen. Now then, if you want me to turn my music off to listen to the music on your site, it better be well-programmed so that it changes every-so-often like at snarg.net. I can stay on that site for a number of hours just to listen to their cool music. Also, even if you think you have the best music in the world, make sure like Dracusis said that it loads after the content or independently. There are a lot of great ways to do such a thing. (check out [url=http://www.flashkit.com]flashkit[/url] for more info) Lastly, make sure music is OPTIONAL. wait a sec.. why am i ranting about music?? o_O um .. .... ...... .... .. okay, if you make a picture and import it as a gif, it will be blurry! if you import it as a jpeg it will be pixelated! remember that! no matter what anybody tells you, flash will drive you insane if you try to make it do otherwise.. also, if you're using a big pic that you want to blend into the movie, look into masking. masking is your friend. Thats about all i can say for images other than optimize before you import, and if all else fails, double click on your imported image file, and check the compression properties. clcik "test" to see how long it would take to download on a.. whatever.. connection. oh yeah! (will i ever shut up?) I second your motion taxon! I love my 56K! why can't others??? [img]http://www.skatefx.com/engine/files/ozone_av.gif[/img] » THOAN.net (..soon to come..I hope)
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