Topic: Flash vs. Photoshop (Page 1 of 1) |
Obsessive-Compulsive (I) Inmate From: Fair Oaks, CA USA |
![]() I am pretty new to both Flash and Photoshop so please bare with me. I have seen some pretty awsome web sites out there using flash animation with some cool graphics. I am assuming the graphics are created with photoshop and imported into flash. But when I atempt to do that the flash animation becomes pretty big and loads slow. Is there some tricks to combining images created in Photoshop with Flash. Is there any site dedicated to describing using flash with photoshop as a 'team'? Just wondering. I have read some pretty cool tutorials on each individually so that's where the question stems from. And sorry no web site yet.... |
Maniac (V) Inmate From: Brisbane, Australia |
![]() Well, this all depends on how you decide to 'compress' the images you use in a flash movie. Images in a flash movie are compressed the same way as in a normal web page but most people force all of those images to load before the flash movie will start. That's usualy the bit that takes the longest time to load. However, I've been trying out some different things here and there that combine standard HTML, DHTML and Flash. I only use flash for the areas that 'should' save bandwidth. Ie, animations that would be 'huge' in a .gif format but when done with flash are quite small indeed. |
Neurotic (0) Inmate Newly admitted Neurotic (0) Inmate Newly admitted |
![]() I just wanted to quote this.... quote:
Maniac (V) Inmate From: Brisbane, Australia |
![]() Well yes, your right it is annoying. More so if you use a small looped sound file! And most people are smart enough to figure out how annoying that is but what really shits me are the people who put 3 to 6 meg MP3 songs in their flash movies and force you to download it before you see *any* of the atcual content! All because they have a high band-width connection and it only takes a couple of seconds for them!!! grrrr.. anyhow.. |
Maniac (V) Inmate From: soon to be "the land down under" |
![]() Definitely a no-no on the sound bite thing. I usually have my speakers pumped up for music, and having unexpected sounds blaring isn't good on my patience or the ol' heart. |
Bipolar (III) Inmate From: Raleigh, NC |
![]() I think part of the problem with sound on sites is that its always so uncreative. If you can get really bizarre sounds that take anvantage of this wonderful thing called "STEREO" i'll take a listen. Now then, if you want me to turn my music off to listen to the music on your site, it better be well-programmed so that it changes every-so-often like at I can stay on that site for a number of hours just to listen to their cool music. Also, even if you think you have the best music in the world, make sure like Dracusis said that it loads after the content or independently. There are a lot of great ways to do such a thing. (check out flashkit for more info) Lastly, make sure music is OPTIONAL. wait a sec.. why am i ranting about music?? o_O um .. .... ...... .... .. |
Paranoid (IV) Inmate From: your subconscious. (scared yet?) |
![]() threep intrudes upon the multimedia forum to make an extra 'anti-sound' comment: |
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist From: Houston, TX, USA |
![]() Ok, to completely contradict another post, DO NOT optimize an image before you import. Import it as a PNG ideally, then adjust your jpeg compression when you export your movie. Why? Becuase if you import a JPG or GIF then export it it's like making a copy of a copy, it gets more and more unclear. Flash will do a great job of compressing an image of reasonable size, and if it's too big then you probably need to rethink using it anyway. |
Maniac (V) Inmate From: Boston, MA, USA |
![]() I second Fig's observations. |
Maniac (V) Inmate From: Brisbane, Australia |
![]() WTF! Flash supports PNG... Heh, I should have paid more attention to my demo version.. That would have mede things easied... arr well. I still don't use it enough to justify the price yet, one day... Mabey I'll just re-format my computer ~again~ then I can use the demo again. Heh, narr.. bugger that. I'll wait. |