OZONE Asylum
rewrite cd's
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In the near future I'm going to be burning some cd's. The 'writer' will be a microsystems 'external' set up. (don't have it yet....but probably by months end. My initial questions: Is there a limit on how many times you can re-write a 're-writable' cd...if so how many? Any specif 'brand' of re-writable to AVOID AT ALL COSTS? <g> Can 'other' burners write to the re-writable cd...as in 'add' to what's already on the cd? Is 'Nero-burning' still considered a pretty decent bit of software? This is going to be charity work for my mom-in-laws church. I'll be doing the voice over. (wave files) The presentation will be done in PowerPoint... then burned to the cd. Most of the copies will be burned to a write once cd. Some she wants/would like, on re-writables...so other church groups can add to them should they so desire. Any big problems you can see I might encounter here? They're not going to be lenghty presentations at all... in fact I think it's almost a waste of a cd... but that's what she wants. :D :D Thanx... hope I've been specific enough. nj
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