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Nervous Wreck (II) Inmate

From: Switzerland
Insane since: Jun 2001

posted posted 08-23-2001 23:26


I just wanted to ask wheter you guys working with the standard scanline renderer shipping with 3D Studio MAX or something else. Either it's my inability to create realistic lighting or it's the renderer. I heard a lot about other render engines (for instance MentalRay or Brazil --> visit but so far I'm a little confused.

As far as it concerns radiosity and what I heard about it, it must be great. Anyhow, give me some input

cheers, Tw!ddleFinger

P.S. I love the raytrace Material -->

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Paranoid (IV) Inmate

From: westernesse
Insane since: Jul 2000

posted posted 08-24-2001 00:51

interesting question, i use brazil and the scanline render engine. The scanline renderer is pretty good i guess, the quality is ok and since 3.1 there are loads of anti-aliasing options i tend to use that while im messing around with stuff and if i want a clean looking render on a scene where im already happy with the lighting, like that ever happens.
Brazil is a great idea, but its so sloooooow, cos it has to solve all its equations mathematically as opposed to exactly .unlike mental ray. The splutterfish website will explain all of this if you want to know about it. but the end result can be fairly good, i mean they can be amazing but i just don't have the horsepower.
Radiosity has been replaced with global illumination, which is like radiosity and caustics all rolled into one.
This allows indirect lighting [bounced light] , caustics, and volumetrics all from the GI section of the render engine. The skylight option is really cool as well, you don't actually need any lightsources in a scene just the sky.
im sure someone like das knows more about this than i do. you do end up with grain though, which is due to the way it all works im afraid.

some stuff i did with brazil: here this is a cornel box with the primary light source turned off, you can see that its not actually rendered it all cos my comp crashed [common occurance .
This is a mug obviously here also

: :Relain: :

edit:need to include the actual message

[This message has been edited by Relain (edited 08-24-2001).]

Nervous Wreck (II) Inmate

From: Switzerland
Insane since: Jun 2001

posted posted 08-24-2001 09:03

Thanks a lot, that helped me quite a lot. I'm happy not to be the only one which ends up with crashes (I guess that's mainly because Brazil is still in developement stage ) and grain in the images.

If you want to look at some cool Brazil renderings check this out. It's a gallery of Neil Blevins (Great Artist btw. )

For now, I guess I'll inform myself about this global illumination thing.

Maniac, do you have some more renderings?

cheers, Tw!ddleFinger

Who is General Failure, and why is he reading my disk?

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