Assuming that your files don't suddenly change (ie, new ones added...) you could put them in an array, and then display for example only 16-30 out of that array...
$myfileArr = //put whatever you use to get a list of the files here, make sure it is sorted.
function display_files($firstToDisplay,$fileArray) {
for ($i = $firstToDisplay, $i < ($firstToDisplay + 15),$i++) {
if ($i > count($fileArray) {break;}
print($fileArray[$i]); //put the file here. just outputing the name for demonstration purposes.
} //of for ($i = $firstToDisplay)
} //of function display_files
all you have to do now is make a script, that calls this function with the appropriate variables. Ie make sure that it shows a link that passes a new value for the $firstToDisplay.
Oh and that code could use some additional error checking.
hope this helps,
Tyberius Prime