All righty, I guess it's time for me to hunker down and learn something useful with some databases. Well I just need one database for now, so let's start with that.
Should be real simple, but the guy before me that built the site has a good bit of "extra" stuff that doesn't really work right. Mostly the problem with his stuff is flash buttons for the navigation, which is screwy, but semi-functional none-the-less if you know what you're doing.
Anyways, on topic... Another problem with this is the database he had set up. Theoretically, a student will go to a page and fill out a form and submit it to a database on the main server. He did everything in FrontPage (as everyone at the univ does when they need to make a page, blech, give me a good 'ole notepad anytime
), so I am having trouble correcting the problem. Ah, the problem, yes, well, when you submit your data it says it sent it, and doesn't give any errors (unable to connect to db, unable to open db, etc), and displays the info they sent on the next page that load after submitting. Then you go to check the db, and guess what, no data... I spent about 3 hours this afternoon 'tinkering' with the db properties, field values/settings, etc. and got it to work without changing anything important, or so I thought, (mostly just changing datatypes then changing them back, moving the primary key, swapping field positions, stuff like that). But like I said, after about 2.5 hours, it was working fine, as long as I was under my user profile, on that specific computer I 'tinkered' with the db from. As soon as I moved computers, it wouldn't work, if I tried a different profile on the computer I was at it wouldn't work, the I tried my profile again on that same computer and it stopped working again. None of the things I changed were saved once I logged off (mostly just a lot of comment lines, trying to make sense of the stuff the other guy didn't explain).
Combine this with the navigation problems (which have always been present, unlike the db probs that apparently just started this semester. I don't really know because this is my first semester working in the COSC lab) and I decided/volunteered/was asked to make a quasi-new site, just using the stuff that worked correctly from this one, which isn't a whole lot...
Yea, enough background on this so far I think... My first question in this undertaking...
1)We have Microsoft Access (I believe 2002) set up, and that's what's being used currently. And a research team from last summer did a bunch of work with php, so it too is installed on the server. Can I use php to work with Access? I know it works with MySQL and related, but I'm not sure if we have that available (gonna have to look through the pile of new software I get to play with that hasn't been installed yet, if so, I'll use that). I believe we also have Oracle, but for some reason I want to say it's just available from the Sun computers that no one uses except for a couple research teams.
2)Also, if anyone has any ideas on something to try with the current set-up (the MS Access probs), if you've had similar problems, or anything, I'd love to hear your thoughts/ideas.
I suppose that's about it for now, the new design is still being scratched down on paper, but I'll ask for opinions/advise here (or in site reviews) once I get something coherent figured out.
Much thanks in advance 
-- Jack of all trades, master of that which has my attention at
the moment.
Unoriginal Cell 693