In the past i have offered a photo hosting service for members of my site, so they can show pictures of their Minis (the car
) on various messageboards. Since then, I have started up a great forum of my own for the site. Many members use the photo hosting for showing pics on other forums, but don't really support our site..
I whipped this script up to limit the photos to the miniportal site's forums. It seems to work pretty good... but what do you think about it?
//Justin Beaulieu
//Photo Hosting Script
//This script takes an image name (location) and if it's being veiwed from Mini Portal
//it will show the image. If it's being veiwed from another site, it will be replaced
//with the replacement image.
$imagebad = "images/offsite.jpg"; //replacement image
//$image = "images/test.jpg"; //the image - this was used for testing.. it will be passed in the url
//.. like this: img src="
$image = "images/".$image.".jpg"; //add jpg extension
$needle = "";
if(strstr($HTTP_HOST, "$needle")){ //look for in the http host (page url that is calling img)
$src = ImageCreateFromJpeg($image); // ... and if its there, show the img
$src = ImageCreateFromJpeg($imagebad); // ... or replace the img with ours
Header("Content-type: image/jpeg"); //send the header
ImageJpeg($src,'',75); //show the image
Imagedestroy($src); //done.