SQL is the language you use to talk to a database, "SELECT * FROM text WHERE text_id ='1' " means give me all collumns and rows from the table text if column text_id holds the value 1.
This in itself cannot be used in a webpage, you must have some kind of serverside language (PHP, ASP, JSP, Perl...) in order to connect to the database, send the SQL and do something with the stuff the SQL returns.
So, yes, you must learn a serverside language.
Well that depends on a lot of things.
Personally I prefer PHP and a MySQL datbase because it's free and easy to get started, and quite poverful once you know it. Plus there are a lot of web hosts offering this at a low cost.
The same goes for Perl and JSP as well I suppose but I just never got hooked on that. Web hosts for JSP is not as common as for PHP though.
ASP is sort of free as you develop at home using personal webserver (not an option in XP Home edition) but as soon as you "go live" you need a webhost with IIS which probably will cost you more money. Also, most webhosts with ASP support Access databases (which is ok for small stuff but not for bigger things) or MSSQL which is quite expensive. The combination ASP + MySQL is not that common even if it works.
That's my $0.02 
{cell 260}
-{ a vibration is a movement that doesn't know which way to go }-