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hooray for humans: Well that sounds like fighting talk - I do hope you've got your name down for a game!! Well that is an interesting take on things - there will be a variety of matches open to everyone online (and we are hoping for some interest from all over). We were thinking of 3 basic types: Pool (as you see it currently played with people throwing their hats into the ring), Challenge (pick your fight put pick carefully) and Tournament (a droolfest for us spectators as the biggest and best slug it out). We haven't yet hammered out the fine details but we are going to have voting and ranking of players but it is not yet clear whether Pool matches will be allocated randomly or in a more organised way (with some nice variability thrown in to keep everyone on their toes). In fact most of what I've said isn't fixed but that seems to be the way things are heading!! I'm not saying this in any official capacity (as TP and Weadah are the closest to having official positions) but I have a reasonable grasp of the project and its goals and objectives but its still a personal view. Remember most of these games here are played for fun. Hope that helps somewhat - have a look through old posts and it might explain a few things about the development/gestation of this project. Emps
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