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Think the number one reason for going .com is to spin it off away from here thus easing the burden on the board. In doing so - setting it up in its own space - we get some options to play with - database, galleries, branding etc. and can have some fun with it too. A number of match formats and user/viewer options is another reason to note. In the forum environment our options are limited and well.... rare is the artist who doesn't enjoy seeing their work somewhere. Initial traffic will come from here yup ? and with some promotion, linking PSPong from your homepage say, we hope to build it up from there, plus WOM (Contra perhaps) thru other networks. It?s worth saying too that we've seen a number of new folk here since pong began, some it seems came for that and stayed =) To date, there?s been no discussion on "quality control", I feel that would defeat at least one of the goals of being involved which is to share and learn. As Emps says, there will be different match types which will cater for all levels and if not we?ll start a new one. I think if you are a Grandmaster and you?re consistently drawing artists you feel are beneath you - stop putting your name in the draw heh. If you don?t like what?s on your screen flag a different match or set of players. The site and concept is aimed at anyone who wants to have a go. It's not serious, there are no winners or prizes and its up to the individual to find the worth in it (if any). Hope that helps Weadz [url=http://www.tryptych.net/psygnosis/] [img]http://www.tryptych.net/psygnosis/psygs/weadarty.jpg[/img] [/url]
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