I don't know if you're serious, but I'm a sucker anyway ... so here goes ...
Moire effects to me are the slightly trippy wave patterns of interference when you slide two (not flat) pieces of fine net curtain or silk over eachother ... and that's just how you do it in Photoshop. Transparent grid == net, not flat==twisted a bit ... so ...
Make a new canvas about 400x400 with a dark background
Make another new one 3 horizontal x 1 vertical - transparent, and create a fill pattern 2 pixels empty, one pixel full of a nice strong yellow.
Open a new layer on canvas #1 and fill it with the pattern from step 2 (that gives you a vertical grid)
Filter->Distort->shear ... and twist it up a bit or twirl it or ... well .. bend it some
Edit->transform->distort, and narrow one end, widen the other
Basically .. make a tapered bendy pattern
Copy that layer and adjust hue/sat to make it more orange ...
rotate it a bit, move it around, until you have a sweet, moire pattern you like
then test moving it left/right one pixel at a time ...
sooner or later you'll have a pattern that repeats about once every n pixels (n is usually about 5-7 pixels)
Off you go to ImageReady to make a movie of it - one frame per pixel shift.
The other stuff is just a stencil plonked on top of the moire ... and then the whole thing is clipped to size IN IMAGEREADY after the fine detail has been checked out and it all works ...
DON'T REDUCE THE IMAGE SIZE IN IMAGE READY ... once you have a nice pattern, resized pixellation will completely change the repeat and the pattern. On the other hand ... before you get to ImageReady and start making a gif of it, you can do anything you like till it works .. it's only the crossing of the pixellated lines that make the moire effect.
P.S. try it with three different, primary coloured grids ... try making the grids and then applying polar coords rect->polar to get a star grid ... If you want a real "in yer face" moire ... try filter->sharpen->sharpen more once or twice on each of the grid layers ...
just experiment ... it gets quite trippy at times
Nurse !!! ... the black capsules today I think.
Does that describe it well enough ??
[This message has been edited by trib (edited 03-10-2003).]