OZONE Asylum
Mad Scientists' Laboratory
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OK; I've trimmed us back down to just 15 forum areas, in three sections. The "Distributed" forum missed the cut, alas, though the moderators of that forum retain their "Psychotic" status, these things are hard to recover from, heh. The "PS Pong" forum has been moved up to Maximum Security where something as dangerous as that probably belongs! Ideally, this is the most number of forums we'll ever have, if things get to the point where we just *need* to have another 5 or 10, then I'll look into splitting the Asylum up into different "campuses", each with it's own "front door" yet sharing the same member list. I'd rather avoid this situation for as long as possible, I'm sure it would involve fragmenting our community even further, which would be not a good thing. What would be nice is if we could each choose some settings and display only those forums we'd like to be seeing, this way we could all live in the same place while still having a manageable interface situation to deal with, hmm. The coding involved on this (and all the other hacks necessary) add up to something major, but sometime this coming year I know I'll have to be doing something (possibly necessitating moving to yet another host that has cheap, big MySQL databases available.) AH well, just rambling, thinking about the future and such. I wish I had all the time in the world and the money to live on, I'd make this place my full-time job, it deserves it. Till then, we'll just have to muddle along as best we can, cool? Thanks for listening! Your pal, -doc- [url=http://www.ozones.com/] [img]http://www.ozoneasylum.com/examples/ozoneSIGc.gif[/img] [/url]
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