OZONE Asylum
Mad Scientists' Laboratory
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I dunno, Doc... It seem to me that the original way was better. To me, no matter how cool this place is, no matter how much we babble on about Toemuncher, Ozones.CON and IE vs.NN- this place will always be primarily about Web Design. If we're to betray that and to proclaim the purpose of this Asylum to be nothing more than Socioligy, then we might as well turn this place into an elaborate chatroom. Keep purpose in mind, designers- 'cause content is King. That having been said, allow me to lay forth my suggestion for our Asylum. I was gonna type out the current structure of the front door, but you can go see it yourself. I was also gonna type a long list of where I thing the forums should go, but I'll spare you. Just these suggestions: The 4 'Design' Forums (OZONE, DHTML/Javascript, Photoshop & SSS) should go up top; they're the 'meat-n-potatos' and should be first access- The general 'desktop creation studio' stuff (3d, animation and stuff like that) should go next- and then should go all the internal 'Asylum' stuff (Site Revs, Mad Sci, Sigs & Pong, etc...) should go in the last category. and the Browser section is just taking up space... Just my 2 cents left over from a pack of smokes... ooo, I think I'll go have one... [url=http://mailto:petskull@hotmail.com] [img]http://server46.hypermart.net/krytical/allpics/petsig02.gif[/img] [/url] [i]"You don't have to be crazy to work here, but it helps." --Anonymous ICQ: 67751342[/i]
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