Maniac (V) Mad Scientist with Finglongers
From: Cell 53, East Wing Insane since: Jul 2001
posted 07-01-2002 16:12
OK the content group (WS and Beekay) could do with their own space and here it is 
What needs doing:
1. The actual content - writing it up and making sure it is polished.
2. Keywords - make a shortish list (20 or so) and then make sure they are sprinkled through the text and that they are passed on to the HTML group to be slotted into the metatags.
3. Decide on the forum topics so they can reflect the focus and divisions we have in the content.
Any other thoughts and ideas?
FAQs: Emperor
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Happy Hunting Grounds... Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 07-01-2002 16:38
Well, I'm still waiting for BeeKay...so that we can 'bounce' the content back and forth between us...I've got it started...just waiting for his 'return'...
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: North Carolina mountains Insane since: Dec 2000
posted 07-01-2002 23:53
Yes, I am still here. Got caught up in some other projects, but I should have some initial thoughts to post during my breaks here at work tonight. Thanks for you patience.
Cell Number: 494
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: North Carolina mountains Insane since: Dec 2000
posted 07-02-2002 04:59
All righty then, here are my initial thoughts. I started with the home page text ...
Home page:
The text provided on the home page should be concise. The visitor needs to know what the site is all about pretty much immediately. The text should be brief and state the relevant facts without getting bogged down in details.
I also think we should go with language that is non-confrontational throughout the site. Rather than give the impression ?we are going to track you down and beat your ass,? we should go for something that says ?we are here to help.?
{home page text}
What is the RipperReport?
The RipperReport is about education and protection.
Professional and amateur websites alike are wide-open candy stores for a growing population of new webmasters. Graphics, text, and photos are stolen ? i.e. ?Ripped? ? from sites by webmasters who don?t know, or don?t care, that these things are intellectual property and protected by copyright law. A graphic may not be something physical that one can shoplift by putting in a pocket, but every time a person uses the ?Save picture as? option in his/her web browser for the purpose of using the graphic on another site, it is theft.
Our purpose is to EDUCATE those who do not realize they are committing a crime, and to PROTECT those who find themselves victims.
The RipperReport provides facilities for educating webmasters, reporting ?Rippers,? and discussing issues concerning the constantly evolving field of intellectual property rights.
The RipperReport, however, does not condone witch-hunts or reports submitted with the purpose of getting even with another person. Read our guidelines concerning how ?Rippers? are carefully identified before any action is ever taken.
{/home page text}
Next up, I will do an outline and brainstorming of general ideas and concepts for the other pages of the site.
Cell Number: 494
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: North Carolina mountains Insane since: Dec 2000
posted 07-02-2002 06:44
Outline and brainstorming time.
I went through the other ripperreport threads and pulled out parts of posts related to the content work we need to do. I slapped all that into a Word document so that it is all in one spot for me to mull over. Looks like we got quite a bit to plow through once I did that! So, I suggest first looking at the big picture, then breaking it down into chunks and assigning those chunks priorities.
1. Front page with some dynamic content updating news.
--I posted my ideas so far about the front page in my post above.
--I've heard a lot of talk about including news ... but what news? Are we talking about combing 'real' news sources (CNN?) for information related to our site? Are we talking about internal news such as results of ripperreports? Who will be writing and reporting the news once the site is off the ground? How often will the news be updated?
--Front page should consist of small bits of information with links to the pages where the main content sits.
2. Forum.
--Need forum topics and blurbs describing the topics.
--How big will the forum be? How many topics will be too many or too few?
--Do we need to come up with some custom rules and regulations to go with the forums?
--Should we stick a few "fake" conversations in the forums before site launch (in an effort to entice our first customers to join in), or should we leave it bare?
3. Information area.
--Probably will be the toughest part to work on. Lots and lots of stuff can be put here.
--This is where we drive home the site slogan, ?to educate and protect.? (That's just my initial idea I dreamed up while working on the front page text.)
--Articles about copyright laws, what is ?ripping,? how to protect yourself, success stories, difference between stealing a design and being inspired by one.
--Important information about how to report a ?rip,? policy against with-hunts and vendettas, process a ?rip? report goes through, how a person accused of ?ripping? can defend himself, etc.
--Will we be maintaining a list of known offenders?
4. Ripper Report.
--The star attraction of the site. We need to figure out what information needs to be collected from the person making the report.
--Do we need any personal information from the person reporting (address, phone)?
--Once a person submits a report, I feel it is of the highest priority that he/she is kept informed of their report?s status frequently! How will this be done so as not to seem too automated and impersonal?
--By submitting the report, the person gives permission to advertise the final results of the process ? or something like that so we can post the results as news elsewhere.
5. Private area for 'work' ?
--Besides WS, who will the site ?heavies? be? What are their responsibilities? How do people sign up to be an ?employee??
--What facilities will the ?heavies? need to get their work done?
6. About us.
--WS already provided a rough draft. I?ll copyedit it later. Is there anything besides ?our reason for being here? that needs to go in this section?
7. Contact area (although most contact can be done through the forums there may be a need to upload screen shots and send us private messages).
--A listing of the ?heavies? and how they can be contacted.
Whew! Any site sections get overlooked?
I think we should rough in the Front Page and the Ripper Report sections first. The designers and coders will need information from us in order to get rolling on their work.
Then we need to figure out what is going in the Information Area. That section is going to take some serious effort I think.
Then maybe we can tackle the Forum and About Us sections.
I?ll stand by until I hear from you, WS, before I go any further.
That?s my brain dump for the night ? who is next?
EDIT: I don't think I have my brain totally wrapped around the flow of the site from the "reporting a rip" aspect.
A. A person wanders the site getting information about what the site is about.
B. The person then submits a report at the RipperReport section.
C. Person visits the forums to ask questions and gather information.
D. Where does the report go? Who reviews it? What action does that person take? What result is that person shooting for? What authority does that person have to do whatever he needs to do?
The bottom line I would like to know ... are we providing an information hub, or are we providing an actual service (i.e. starting a legal investigation process)?
Cell Number: 494
[This message has been edited by BeeKay (edited 07-02-2002).]
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Happy Hunting Grounds... Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 07-02-2002 10:52
Wow, thanks BeeKay...just copied that out and inserted it into my Notepad doc...I'll be combing through it today...very nice.
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: Southern Alabama, USA Insane since: Sep 2000
posted 07-02-2002 15:13
Good stuff BeeKay! I like the - ?to educate and protect.?
I know it is not really my role to comment on the text, but when you write:
"every time a person uses the ?Save picture as? option in his/her web browser for the purpose of using the graphic on another site, it is theft."
you need to remember that there are actually sites out there that gives you permission to do just that.
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Cell 666 Insane since: Mar 2002
posted 07-02-2002 15:44
Yeah, you should add "without consent."
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist with Finglongers
From: Cell 53, East Wing Insane since: Jul 2001
posted 07-02-2002 17:08
ZOX: Feel free to throw in any ideas you have - its one of the reasons we are doing most of the development in public.
All constructive feedback and input is appreciated 
FAQs: Emperor
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Happy Hunting Grounds... Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 07-03-2002 11:25
Just picked that up and added it...thanks, guys. At this point, all input is welcome...keep up the good work!
Ok, back at you, BeeKay!
1. Front page with some dynamic content updating news.
--I posted my ideas so far about the front page in my post above.
--I've heard a lot of talk about including news ... but what news? Are we talking about combing 'real' news sources (CNN?)
for information related to our site? Are we talking about internal news such as results of ripperreports? Who will be writing
and reporting the news once the site is off the ground? How often will the news be updated?
--Front page should consist of small bits of information with links to the pages where the main content sits.
Answer - Well, I would like to have both real news (from outside sources) on international copyright laws, groundbreaking
descisions, etc and internal news (new changes, or this site being mentioned, etc). As to who will be doing this, the answer
is me, and those who have that as one of their responsibilities. As to how often, whenever it is warrented (i.e. when new 'news'
comes out...
2. Forum.
--Need forum topics and blurbs describing the topics.
--How big will the forum be? How many topics will be too many or too few?
--Do we need to come up with some custom rules and regulations to go with the forums?
--Should we stick a few "fake" conversations in the forums before site launch (in an effort to entice our first customers to
join in), or should we leave it bare?
Answer - Yes, we will need 'sections' for the forums...and they must be of a serious nature...because of the serious nature
of the site, and what we are trying to accomplish. As to how big the site will be, that is hard to say. I guess it depends
on how successful the site is...and how many members register. I guess that at the beginning stages, it will be quite small.
Yes, the forum does need custom rules (how to go about posting rips, how to approach the topic in a professional manner, what
not to do, etc) and regulations. If we are to be serious, then we shouldn't base anything on 'fakery'...i.e. it should all
be real...so leave it bare, at the moment (I'll consider the BSS stuff later).
3. Information area.
--Probably will be the toughest part to work on. Lots and lots of stuff can be put here.
--This is where we drive home the site slogan, ?to educate and protect.? (That's just my initial idea I dreamed up while
working on the front page text.)
--Articles about copyright laws, what is ?ripping,? how to protect yourself, success stories, difference between stealing a
design and being inspired by one.
--Important information about how to report a ?rip,? policy against with-hunts and vendettas, process a ?rip? report goes
through, how a person accused of ?ripping? can defend himself, etc.
--Will we be maintaining a list of known offenders?
Answer - First of all, I personally love the slogan 'to educate and protect'...that's great! I think it's a keeper! And
yes, we will be maintaining a list of known offenders...that is part of the information we will be providing.
4. Ripper Report.
--The star attraction of the site. We need to figure out what information needs to be collected from the person making the
--Do we need any personal information from the person reporting (address, phone)?
--Once a person submits a report, I feel it is of the highest priority that he/she is kept informed of their report?s status
frequently! How will this be done so as not to seem too automated and impersonal?
--By submitting the report, the person gives permission to advertise the final results of the process ? or something like
that so we can post the results as news elsewhere.
Answer - First of all, we need proof...and that in form from a screenshot...past experiences have shown that a screenshot
is the best method...and we need to be able to store that screenshot locally so that the link doesn't 'dissappear', or the
ripper takes it down (and then puts it back up again), changes the name of the graphic/link, etc. As for informing the
person, this could be done either through mail, or in the forum, etc. As more people begin to take up the responsibility of
moderating, then maybe a more 'personal' touch could be implemented. Yes, to the last part. Also, we need to COLLECT certain
information - has the offended person been contacted (if not the person reporting the rip)? What is his/her reaction?
5. Private area for 'work' ?
--Besides WS, who will the site ?heavies? be? What are their responsibilities? How do people sign up to be an ?employee??
--What facilities will the ?heavies? need to get their work done?
Answer - Well, I don't know...anyone interested in being a mod, drop me a mail, with the reasons WHY you should be one...as
for signing up, well, hmmm...I think that at first, I will assign those at first, then afterwards, it should come to a group
descision (or vote). One thing though, I like to know who I am dealing with...names, age, etc, so that someone doesn't just
'fly off the handle' and get the site in real trouble on a whim...
As to responsibilities - helping others with a rip problem, investigating (re-confirming that it is a rip, mail support,etc)
general 'cleaning' of the forums and the site, and supervisory stuff.
6. About us.
--WS already provided a rough draft. I?ll copyedit it later. Is there anything besides ?our reason for being here? that
needs to go in this section?
Answer - yes, the mission statement (I'm working on it...)
7. Contact area (although most contact can be done through the forums there may be a need to upload screen shots and send us
private messages).
--A listing of the ?heavies? and how they can be contacted.
Answer - yes, screenshots are a must! In the case of a report lacking one, then we will have to do extra work confirming the
suspicion...and then create a screenshot. Listing of the mods...hmmm...yeah, ok. That's not only fair, but honest.
[This message has been edited by WebShaman (edited 07-03-2002).]
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: North Carolina mountains Insane since: Dec 2000
posted 07-04-2002 08:35
Right now I will focus my energy on the home page and the forum so that we can then shuffle things on over to the design and coding team. Those folks are looking pretty hungry ...
Take a look at http://www.haughtbk.com/rippermockup.jpg
The mockup has nothing to do with graphics ... it is just about getting a general layout for the front page thrown out there and what copy is going on it and where.
Got main, important links with descriptions down the left side. Then 'What is the RipperReport' sitting pretty in the center. And the ever-popular news teasers finishing things off on the right side.
1. As far as content goes, is this pretty much what you want on the front page?
2. In general, is this how you would like things lined up (three columns)?
Feel free to grab that mockup jpg and draw all over it to illustrate your points.
I'll probably be away during the 4th of July holiday, but I'll try to stop by Friday to see what you have to say. Then I'll start throwing out ideas for Forum topics, FAQs and stuff like that ...
Cell Number: 494
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Brisbane, Australia Insane since: Apr 2001
posted 07-04-2002 09:11
I think we should also have a FAQ for short quick answers and to provide additional pointers/links to the 'educational' content areas.
I'm also throwing around some ideas as to how we could handle the "Reporting a Rip" in the coding thread if your interested. Oh and I put up some layout ideas for the Forum in the Graphics thread. I can also start playing with some front page layouts as well if ya want.
[This message has been edited by Dracusis (edited 07-04-2002).]
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist with Finglongers
From: Cell 53, East Wing Insane since: Jul 2001
posted 07-04-2002 11:12
BeeKay: I like the idea of separating things out into Educate and Protect sections - will things fall naturally into these two groups so that people aren't left wondering where things are? It looks like it should but I just want to check.
FAQs: Emperor
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Happy Hunting Grounds... Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 07-04-2002 11:40
Very nice...and yeah, I'm with Emps...a seperation of Educate and Protect areas of knowlege...good idea.
That with a FAQ is also good...esp. considering the serious nature of the site...
All in all, it's coming together quite nicely...
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Brisbane, Australia Insane since: Apr 2001
posted 07-04-2002 16:30
Oh yah. Are we mainly dealing with international laws here?
It would be nice if we could provide information specific to as many different conutries as possible but maybe we can set up a system so this kind of information can be added at a later date. Simply keeping this as an extra "possible" section when it comes to the design should suffice. Then we could all pitch in some research hours for our own respectiove countries and encouraging new menbers of other countries to add their bit for their fellow people too.
Hmm.... this brings up another question. I think I know what the answer will be but I'll ask anyways. Will we support multiple languages for the website?
One more Q, are we only dealing with whole websites here or all kinds of online content like images, prose, art, audio, video, etc etc... How many mediums are we to cover? Will we take it beyond the internet? Shall we dare go anywhere near the warez issue?
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Happy Hunting Grounds... Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 07-05-2002 11:41
Ok, one thing at a time...first of all, let's stick to english as a language first...later, we can expand...
As for the law...hmmm...well, since we are dealing with the internet, International Law should be our first concern...because sites are spread across many lands. Perhaps with time, it might be worth it to include information on local (national) laws, as well...
In answer to what we are 'interested' in protecting...Websites, graphics and text (and coding). That with Warez is out of the scope of the Ripper Report....though one could 'Educate' people on this...it would be neigh to impossible to actually do anything about it...how?
This link http://www.whatiscopyright.org/ is the best I know of for international stuff...and has some really good points on copyright...it's worth reading...though I would love to have this information directly on the site, I don't think that will be possible...so I guess a link will have to suffice...
Here links for the International laws http://www.law.cornell.edu/treaties/berne/overview.html and http://www.tufts.edu/departments/fletcher/multi/texts/UNTS13444.txt and the members that have signed them.
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist with Finglongers
From: Cell 53, East Wing Insane since: Jul 2001
posted 07-08-2002 13:23
We do have quite a list of sites dealing with copyright but if anyone knows any more then they should throw them in here.
I think we might also want to collect together articles published elsewhere on this problem (as a form of 'second opinion' just in case people think we are cranks and want further proof of the serious nature of this problem) so if you find any online then add them here.
This was in today's paper:
Daylight Webbery
and this was in a magazine a while ago:
Securing your site
anyone found any others?
FAQs: Emperor
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Czech Republic via Bristol UK Insane since: Feb 2002
posted 07-08-2002 13:55
Hi Guys just thought i would poke my head in let you all know i am back working my way through the threads great stuff so far
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Happy Hunting Grounds... Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 07-09-2002 08:32
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Happy Hunting Grounds... Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 07-12-2002 10:26
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: North Carolina mountains Insane since: Dec 2000
posted 07-13-2002 06:20
Two things are holding me up right now. Time and feedback ...
I'll be back to work on this project this upcoming week as I should have a little bit more time to devote to it. Been busy lately.
I'm not really getting the feedback from you, WS, that I am looking for. I'm throwing stuff out there, but you haven't really thrown anything back. You haven't answered my two questions from my last post, and you only brushed the surface of my 'outline' post, and I am waiting to see if you approve of my plan of attack (what to do and what order to do it in). If you agree to my ideas, please give your thumbs-up. You're the leader of the content team ... I'm just waiting for you to lead ...
Now, before your blood pressure shoots up, no I am not mad nor am I trying to tick you off. Just want things to flow correctly and I don't want to backtrack over something I 'assumed' you approved of. Help me out some more here buddy.
Good to go?
Cell Number: 494
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Happy Hunting Grounds... Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 07-15-2002 09:24
Yeah, no prob BeeKay...this is exactly what I need to hear from you...clarification, where you need more, etc. Ok, I'll get on it...
Being truthful is much different from being offensive...at least in my book, it is...
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: North Carolina mountains Insane since: Dec 2000
posted 07-16-2002 04:47
OK, while you chew on the front page and stuff, I will now throw out some possible questions that could be included on the actual RipperReport:
--Nickname or alias you go by that may pertain to this case (such as a nickname you might be using on any relevant message boards, guestbooks, emails, etc.):
--Full address of the original site that was 'ripped' from:
--Are you the owner of this site: Y/N
--Describe in as detailed a manner as you can, what exactly was 'ripped' (certain graphics, text, overall design):
--Please provide a screenshot of the original site:
--When was the original material (graphic, site, or whatever) first posted to the internet:
--Full address of the site containing the 'ripped' material:
--Date the stolen material was first discovered:
--Did you know the person accused of 'ripping' prior to this incident: Y/N
--If so, please tell us in what way ('real life' friend, online friend, business associate, relative, etc):
--Have you experienced problems with the accused before (previous 'rips')" Y/N
--Have you had any contact with the person accused of 'ripping' in relation to the current incident: Y/N
--If so, please provide a chronological list of contacts made and as complete text as possible:
--date --type (email, chat, message board, phone, etc) --full text (or a detailed synopsis)
--reply date --reply type --reply full text
--In what way can you confirm that the material in question is, in fact, yours?
All righty then ... slice and dice this as you like ... 
Cell Number: 494
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Czech Republic via Bristol UK Insane since: Feb 2002
posted 07-16-2002 09:06
Nice Ideas Beekay, i like especially the last section about the ideas for submitting a rip, a few more you might want o include although this may fall under proof of ownership.
Patents ie: logo's
proof of copyright some things are actually registered etc for copyright.
another idea you guys might want to put on the site is a guide on how to self copyright images code etc.
simple ways to do this are save onto cdrom place in envelope and post to yourself in a sealed envelope (even a signature across envelope flap is good enough) and then place the unopened with someone responsible (solicitor, in bank etc) this will prove prior knoweledge.
just some thoughts but great work guys, just keep the communications two way 
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Czech Republic via Bristol UK Insane since: Feb 2002
posted 07-25-2002 08:58
ok folks hows things going it seems to have ground to a halt can we have a heads up to let everyone know how things are going please
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: North Carolina mountains Insane since: Dec 2000
posted 07-25-2002 13:40
I've noted the same work stoppage ... I'm mainly waiting for some input and direction from WS. I'll probably be doing some more content work this upcoming weekend and week; I should have some time then.
Cell Number: 494
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Happy Hunting Grounds... Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 07-29-2002 13:49
Sorry, got held up last week...now I've got some breathing room...getting to work on it...
BTW - nice ideas...
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: North Carolina mountains Insane since: Dec 2000
posted 08-22-2002 20:25
bump ...
WS, what's up, buddy?
Cell Number: 494
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist with Finglongers
From: Cell 53, East Wing Insane since: Jul 2001
posted 09-18-2002 20:56
OK WS is all fully married up so where do we stand here?
FAQs: Emperor
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: North Carolina mountains Insane since: Dec 2000
posted 09-27-2002 00:21
Michael's post in the main discussion area prompted me to take a look down here to see what is going on. Didn't realize things had really started rolling again.
So ... WS .... Give me some direction. Take some time to read through this thread again and then point me in whatever direction you want to. I've been awaiting feedback from you, buddy. Cool?
Cell Number: 494
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Happy Hunting Grounds... Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 09-27-2002 08:30
Ok. Just copied your ideas into notepad...right now, I'm at work...hard to concentrate on something like this...good thing it's the weekend. I'm getting on it...sorry for the delays...
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist with Finglongers
From: Cell 53, East Wing Insane since: Jul 2001
posted 10-02-2002 15:09
Just checking up to see how this is going?
I'll have to go through the reviews of design and draw up a plan of attack but as things are in includes we can make the tweaks as things progress so we could start looking at how all the content slots in.
FAQs: Emperor
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Happy Hunting Grounds... Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 01-21-2003 13:08
Ok...continuing to the Educate section...I think we covered Who and Why pretty well...
'To Err is Human' (The Bible) yes, certainly. Err defined means (GoEnglish.com) "to do something wrong; to make a mistake is "to err". "To err is human" because all people ("humans") make mistakes."
And so it can be with ripping. Many rip without knowing that they are doing wrong. Thus, the education part of this website. By informing those who don't know what ripping is, and that it is wrong. Particularly appropriate here, are the intellectual property rights which include Copyright law.
"Copyright law protects the expression of an idea. Almost any expression can be copyrighted, and copyright attaches as soon as the expression is fixed in some tangible form." Copyright.
So, one can see, that though an idea itself is not protected by Copyright law, once it is fixed (and that is the keyword here) in a tangible form (the other keyword), it becomes protected. Thus, text and graphics fall into this catagory, as does code. In fact, many parts of web-design fall under Copyright law. Though one cannot protect the idea behind the website, once it is fixed (created), it falls under Copyright. This means all the code, all the graphics, all the text (as long as they are original, otherwise the copied material needs a disclaimer and permission).
To the point - everything on a website is copyrighted, and cannot be used without express permission of the Author. It is here, that many make the mistake of violating Copyright law.
So arm yourself with information, and be aware of just what Copyright law is.
Also, in the free-spirit of the web, many think that everything is free, and can be used as one sees fit. This is not only wrong, but can lead to rather severe penalties, depending on the land where one is at (though this is changing). Not only that, but it can also lead to damage to the original owner of the information (be it code, text or graphic in nature).
Educating oneself works both ways, for both the Author and the peruser of the information.
Stealing someone elses work, either due to the fact that one cannot himself (or herself, as the case may be) come up with something 'cool' and original, or because someone is just to plain lazy to do the work themselves, is not only 'cheap', but damages the original artist. One must consider, that the artist in question has poured many hours, days, weeks, months, even years into improving his (or her) skills, only to have it 'ripped' by some idiot. This is not the reason that the artist in question has 'posted' his work on the Net...rather, he (or she) is showing his (or her) work to the world. Yes, it's ok to be inspired by such work...and, as the case may be, even desirable from the original artist...'imitation is flattery', yes...but to a point; The original artist surely did not mean for someone to actually take his (or her) art, and use it...unless the originator has given express permission to do so.
And think of it another way...you surely wouldn't want it to happen to you now, would you? Imagine it...all the hard labor, of developing your skills, the long, tedius hours of actually creating something, and lo and behold! Some ass comes along, and just steals it, puts it up on his (or her) website, and calls the thing their own! How do you think you would react? Not even a mention of the fact that you had created it...
Or, consider this scenario...someone comes along, likes what you've done, takes your work and changes it! Into something totally different from what you intended it to mean...outrageous? Yes, of course...but it happens everyday, it's happening now, as we speak.
The worst case scenario? Well, consider the artist who has an actual contract, with someone, to produce something for actual pay. So he (or she) does...and what happens? Some jerk of a fool comes along, steals it, and then posts it somewhere...and the original artist gets sued by the company in question that contracted him for the graphic...for breach of contract! The poor artist in question has no idea of what's going on...and will probably have some amount of court costs involved just to 'prove' that he (or she) wasn't invovled in the 'ripped' version at all...but what if he can't prove it? Well, he's (she's) in a pickle now, isn't he (she)? All that hard work, just to earn some money, and one ends up getting the shaft (and paying probably more than one received for the contract in court costs, let alone the possibility of actually being convicted...) just because someon else decided that it would be 'cool' to have that graphic one his/her website, etc...
So, next time, think about it. Really like the graphic? Then ask, before you right click...and save as...
And to those Authors out there, label your material as yours, and give credit where credit is due.
However, there are those out there, that somehow think it is their god-given right to 'rip' someone elses work...to those (and hope that you, reader, are not one of them...) falls the point of the Protect section. And for those Authors who have been ripped, they can inform themselves of what can be done there, as well.
So think about it...and Educate yourself.
So, tear it up...
[This message has been edited by WebShaman (edited 01-21-2003).]
[This message has been edited by WebShaman (edited 01-22-2003).]
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: North Carolina mountains Insane since: Dec 2000
posted 01-21-2003 13:44
~Whips out red editing pen~
I'm on it. Though, it may be a few days before I get edits posted here.
Nice to see some movement on this project again ...
Cell Number: 494 / Inkstick
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Happy Hunting Grounds... Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 01-21-2003 15:29
NP BeeKay...nice to see it moving again, indeed! Sorry about the long delay...content is king, Peter said...and with that note, I've been painstakingly putting this together...not an easy task. The experiences that I have wrung up in the meantime have helped, somewhat...
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: *land Insane since: Nov 2000
posted 02-08-2003 05:52
Beekay... still out there?
FAQs n' Bits: Michael
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: *land Insane since: Nov 2000
posted 02-08-2003 06:44
While I'm a fan of using definitions to get things moving when I write....
I don't particularly like the opening here.
'To Err is Human' (The Bible) yes, certainly. Err defined means (GoEnglish.com) "to do something wrong; to make a mistake is "to err". "To err is human" because all people ("humans") make mistakes."
It just didn't appeal to me... and it didn't draw me in... or make me want to keep reading.
It did more a job confusing me.... and thus made me go back an read it over again before I proceeded.
I think this will need some re-vamping.
And while we condsider dictionaries pretty 'stable' means of obtaining facts....
Not all consider the Bible fact. And I definately didn't like the reference there. I agree with the statement.... yep. But by mentioning the Bible... you'll turn heads in different directions, in my opinion.
And so it can be with ripping. - this 'feels' wrong in here
Many rip without knowing that they have done something wrong. Thus, 'Education' is a major part of this website. Our aim is to inform those who do not know what ripping is and to emphasize the fact that it is indeed, theft. Particularly applicable here, are the intellectual property rights which include Copyright law.
"Copyright law protects the expression of an idea. Almost any expression can be copyrighted, and copyright attaches as soon as the expression is fixed in some tangible form." Copyright.
As you can see, that although an idea is not protected by Copyright law, once it is "fixed" (which is the keyword here) in a tangible "form" (the other keyword), it becomes protected. Thus, text and graphics are protected, as well as code. In fact, many parts of web-design fall under Copyright law. Though one cannot protect the idea behind the website, once it is fixed (created), it falls under Copyright. This means all the code, all the graphics, all the text (as long as they are original, otherwise the copied material needs a disclaimer and permission). - this seems redundant
The fact of the matter is, everything on a website is copyrighted and cannot be used without express permission of the author. It is on this point, that many make the mistakes of Copyright law violations.
Arm yourself with information.
Be aware of just what Copyright law is.
In the "free-spirit" of the web, many think that everything is indeed free, to be used as one sees fit. This is not only completely wrong, but can lead to severe penalties.
Educating oneself works both ways, for both the Author and the peruser of the information.
Stealing someone elses work, either due to the fact that one cannot himself (or herself) come up with something 'cool' and original, or because someone is just to plain lazy to do the work themselves, is not only 'cheap', but damages the original artist. One must consider, that the artist in question has poured many hours, days, weeks, months, even years into improving their skills, only to have it 'ripped' by an unexpected party. This is not the reason that the artist 'posted' work on the Net... rather, he (or she) is showing their work to the world. Yes, it's ok to be inspired by such work... and, as the case may be, even authorized imitation from the original artist...'imitation is flattery', yes...but to a point; The original artist surely did not want or mean for someone to actually take his (or her) art, and use it...unless the they have given express permission to do so.
And think of it another way...you surely wouldn't want it to happen to you, would you? Imagine it...all the hard labor, of developing your skills, the long, tedius hours of actually creating something, when low and behold, someone who hasn't put in the effort comes along, and just steals it, puts it up on their website, and calls it their own!
Consider this... Someone comes along, likes what you've done, takes your work and changes it into something totally different from what you intended it to mean...outrageous? Yes, of course...but it happens everyday, it's happening as we speak.
This paragraph seems a little too argumentative and 'whiny' in my opinion.
The worst case scenario? Well, consider the artist who has an actual written contract with someone to produce something for actual pay. So he (or she) does...and what happens? Some jerk of a fool comes along, steals it, and then posts it somewhere...and the original artist gets sued by the company in question that contracted him for the graphic...for breach of contract! The poor artist in question has no idea of what's going on...and will probably have some amount of court costs involved just to 'prove' that he (or she) wasn't invovled in the 'ripped' version at all...but what if he can't prove it? Well, he's (she's) in a pickle now, isn't he (she)? All that hard work, just to earn some money, and one ends up getting the shaft (and paying probably more than one received for the contract in court costs, let alone the possibility of actually being convicted...) just because someon else decided that it would be 'cool' to have that graphic one his/her website, etc...
Use your head.
Really like the graphic? Then ask, before you right click...and "save as"...
And to the Authors out there, label your material as yours, and give credit where credit is due.
However, there are people out there, that think it is their god-given right to 'rip' other's work... against those people (and we hope that you, reader, are not one of them...) falls the topic and points outlined in the Protect section. There, Authors who have been ripped can inform themselves of what can be done as well.
So think about it...and Educate yourself.
I made numerous adjustments throughout the text.
A lot of it was wording and smoothing things over as I saw fit.
I know you guys are tossing this back and forth between the two of you, but I figured I'd give my inputs as well.
FAQs n' Bits: Michael
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Happy Hunting Grounds... Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 02-10-2003 13:21
Thanks, Michael...nice input there. Looking into this now. Yes, the beginning is...ackward. You definitely have a point there. The reason I meantioned the Bible? That's where the quote first came from, and I was just trying to keep my quoted stuff referenced. I'll have to think about the beginning, again...hmmm.
Getting on it...
Once again, thanks.
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: *land Insane since: Nov 2000
posted 02-18-2003 19:19
a bump.
I'd like to at least keep this moving at a snail's pace.
FAQs n' Bits: Michael
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: *land Insane since: Nov 2000
posted 03-01-2003 14:21
FAQs n' Bits: Michael