I fired Doc and email a little while ago about maybe reorganizing the different forums here and then maybe adding a new forum for Linux/BSD/Open Source. I'm just curious if anyone else is interested in having a forum such as that here? I know there has been some interest in the thread that I have recently posted in the OZONE forum about LFS and every month or so we seemingly end up with a Linux thread. I'm not entirely sure if this forum would fit the general Asylum theme of design, but I think it would go along way to help users such as myself who are beginner/novice Linux users find better help without having to switch between forums everytime I have a question.
Although its ultimately the Doc's choice, what do the rest of you think about this idea? The way I was thinking about reorganizing we would combine a few of the lesser used forums and actually end up with 2 less then there currently are.
quote:know there has been some interest in the thread that I have recently posted in the OZONE forum about LFS and every month or so we seemingly end up with a Linux thread.
that doesn't seem like an awful lot of traffic to warrant creating a new forum. I could be wrong, of course, and would be interested to see such a thing as I've been following the Linux-related threads recently. I still suspect that it could all be accomodated in the main forum (and in there it would get everyone's attention too - I suspect the distributed computing project partly didn't take off because it had its own forum and I think people felt they could afford not to bother checking it out if they were busy).
Michael - The DHTML forum should include CSS, DOM, & JavaScript. That seems to make enough sense. So then we're left with the XML-XSL-XSLT-XHTML & Stupid Basic HTML forums. HTML would fit nicely inside XML-etc. and since neither forum is used too often, it shouldn't pose a big problem. The next reconfiguration would be the 3D Modeling & Rendering forum with the Multimedia/Animation forum. Neither forum generates too much traffic so combining them wouldn't interupt anything important.
Emps - If you look at the traffic in both Print Graphics & Outpatient Counseling it's almost non-existent. I'd imagine that a Linux/BSD forum would generate more traffic then both of them combined, especially if we get a LFS project going. Not only that, but if there was a specific area to ask questions, I would imagine more questions would be asked. I know I would use it.
I don't really have a stance on the main issue of this new forum idea.
But I do think, however.... if we're going to be combining forums...... they need to be of "like content".
I don't see 3d rendering and multimedia falling into the category of something that should be in the same forum... reguardless of traffic.
For some reason (and i have no idea why) , I'm a little more partial to the idea of print graphics and outpatient being together..... but they aren't really of the same content either.
I dunno man......... those are just my opinions.
I don't work with 3D graphics at all, but I was under the impression that most 3D apps have the ability to animate and most animations come from these apps. Am I wrong?
Jestah: As you say it is up to the Doc - we don't need to combine any forums really (although I think sinking the CSS/XML into the HTML, like a 'Markup and Style' forum, was suggested a while ago) we could just give it a spin and see how it goes.
My only reservation would be that it could become ghettoised but we won't know until we try
[edit: We could go for an OS forum - Win, Mac, *nix, etc. and that would certainly get a lot of traffic]
From: there...no..there..... Insane since: May 2001
posted 11-01-2002 22:42
I think the idea would be great. I value the knowledge and opinion of the people here (well most of them, I'm still not sure about that Michael character )
Being new to Linux is somewhat of a struggle. Just like site design was. With the help of you guys I have came to understand it a great deal better. I could only think that Linux would just be added.
Good idea though me thinks.
~Binary is best~
<edit>Damn laptop</edit>
[This message has been edited by CPrompt (edited 11-01-2002).]
From: A graveyard of dreams Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 11-01-2002 22:51
I know that I would use a Linux/OS forum. I' m pretty new to Linux like the guy above and it would be nice to have a specific place to post questions etc. So it sounds like a good idea for me.
Merging the HTML and the XML forums doesn't sound that bad either.
Anyone who has lost track of time when using a computer knows the propensity to dream, the urge to make dreams come true and the tendency to miss lunch.
- copied from the wall of cell 408 -
From: Czech Republic via Bristol UK Insane since: Feb 2002
posted 11-01-2002 23:09
Just my 0.2c, ya right about the amount of traffic generated by the multimedia and 3d forums, but to merge them would in my opinion be a mistake.
Granted that 3d apps can generate animations, however they then move into the world of film production etc, which is a whole different ball gae and skill set. a lot of 3d stuff is used in print aswell but that wouldnt make sense to merge it there either.
Although not using a lot of traffic (not a lot of space either) the nice clean threads and subject matters work well.
Grumbles idea seems the best way forward if there is really a need for change anywhere, but wouldnt a good thread say in the FAQ do for the moment untill it is felt that it warrants it's own space.
The only other suggestion i would have is maybe a technical forum (general type software and hardware combined) this i could see working as there are constantly threads popping up all over the place in diferent forums here. This then would be a great resource, but it kinda clahes with the FAQ (in some areas). But it would allow for discussions which could then be added to the FAQ later.
Then things like Linux etc and harware discussions could have their own area and not clutter up some of the other threads.
If anyone else was interested i wouldnt mind helping to get this one off the ground. (jestah sorry to throw an angle on ya thread but i thought this would kind of fit in here)
[This message has been edited by tomeaglescz (edited 11-01-2002).]
The Linux/BSD forum seems to have a decent amount of support. Does anyone talk to the Doc on a regular basis? I dropped him an email a few days ago but I haven't heard from him.