OZONE Asylum
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[quote]OZONE Asylum completed 4,087 blocks yesterday at a sustained rate of 12,698 Kkeys/second! OZONE Asylum is ranked #989 for yesterday! The odds are 1 in 11,031 that this team will find the key before anyone else does.[/quote] Anybody else gonna join the fun? Expect my first contribution in about uh.. 6 minutes. (00 UTC) For those that may have missed it: [quote]For raw processing power, I use the RC5-65 cracking challenge software at [url=http://www.distributed.net/]http://www.distributed.net/[/url] - it's a fun way to show off your idle CPU power, and a great way to benchmark your systems, one simple well-written app to take all of your CPU and crunch numbers with it. By this measurement, my 450Mhz Mac is about 60% faster than my 850Mhz PIII, go figure. I've been thinking about maybe setting up a special Asylum team for cracking RC5-64, anyone interested? It'd be a fun way to show off our processing might, heh. OK; I just set up a new team, the Ozone Asylum. FWIW, I'm crunching keys at a sustained rate of 15,090 KKeys/sec between all of my machines, go beat that, hah! If you want to join, sign up as a single user, and run the app on all of your machines as that user. Once your stats get into the database, you'll be able to join the team (after you've logged in) by following this link... [url=http://stats.distributed.net/pjointeam.php3?team=885184470]http://stats.distributed.net/pjointeam.php3?team=885184470[/url] - and once the stats get recorded tomorrow you can check your ranking at [url=http://stats.distributed.net/rc5-64/tmsummary.php3?team=885184470]http://stats.distributed.net/rc5-64/tmsummary.php3?team=885184470[/url] (Note! These urls probably won't work yet, they need a day to register the team.) PS: My 2 macintoshes account for 80% of my keys cracked. I love my Mac! Your pal, -doc-[/quote] -cyoung
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