OZONE Asylum
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Hey! I'm still doing this! Yesterday was a rough one, I've had DNS problems like crazy, so only 4,125 blocks got through from my machines, but tomorrow! That oughtta be good, I expect over 5,000. I don't know why more people don't get into this, at least for a day or 3. It truly rocks to find out just how many CPU cycles you're worth, many of us have more computer power at our fingertips than we realize! When I started doing this back in 1998, on a good day I could do perhaps 500 blocks, my! How I've grown. ;) Current Rank: 7,646 Total blocks to search: 68,719,476,736 Total blocks checked: 64,786 Days working: 10 Overall Rate: 20,128.31 kkeys/second OZONE Asylum completed 7,983 blocks yesterday at a sustained rate of 24,802 Kkeys/second! OZONE Asylum is ranked #638 for yesterday! The odds are 1 in 6,735 that this team will find the key before anyone else does. (Stats for yesterday) 1 Dr. Thaddeus Ozone - 4,125 51.67 44,549 68.76 2 dev-null@dev-null.net - 2,567 32.16 11,599 17.90 3 Participant #363,081 - 1,291 16.17 8,638 13.33 Your pal, -doc- [url=http://www.ozones.com/] [img]http://www.ozoneasylum.com/examples/ozoneSIGc.gif[/img] [/url]
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