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I don't think we are leveling out (we are up 134 today) as we will only start levelling out when we start to see teams with a similar overall rate appearing in the 4 above/4 below table and that looks like its not going to happen anytime soon. My guess is that we (I love my use of we - the Doc crunches more keys while smoking a cigarette than I will do in the whole project - although I've managed to get it working on processors I have no admin rights [only users rights] to so we'll see how that goes) will continue to rise like this for the next 20 or 30 days before the rate really slackens off and (unless someone wins) then we'll eventually stabilise somewhere in the top 2,000 teams. Anyone wish to have a friendly wager on this? the book is now open - I'll go for 1,799 (given the addition of a couple more inmates with reasonable computing power). Any takers? Emps "I like long posts, that's why i admire Emperor Posts!!" (Wakkos)
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