Sorry to here about your personal loss, Nimraw. That's always a tough one, when a loved one dies...and a part of life's lessons...learning to accept loss. My Uncle passed away recently, as my wife and I were on vacation in Florida...we were there as he...died. One second, there was life, in his eyes, the next...gone.
And losing a person like your Granpa was, to you, is even harder...death often brings with it such insightful thinking as you are now going through. This is, IMHO, a natural part of the acceptance process...and of loss...
As for what is important in life...hmmm. You know, I once used to think it was very important to make a difference in the world, to be famous, have money, etc...but after working for the Intelligence community for the years that I's mostly pretty dirty work. Yes, I met a lot of famous and powerful people, and they learned who I was (in a fashion...), and even helped change the world...I had lots of money...which was nice, for a time.
However, after the War, in the Gulf, and all that death, and death-dealing, I was really at a sad place, inside...I guess it was just the culmination of all the things I had done, and finally the impact of the realization, of what I had done. I had all this power...from my decisions, people lived, died, got ruined, etc...and I certainly wasn't using this power along the lines of how I really wasn't really my, I quit. And I went on a personal quest, to re-find myself...that took a long time. I hid out in college, while doing so...
For me, wealth, things, power, fame...all I find that learning about life, myself, and this thing that we label reality is far more important...that creation, and positively influencing people is a far, far better 'reward', than the opposite was. I try to seperate myself from selfish acts, these days...and to live with what I have done in the past. Sometimes, it's not an easy task. But then, if it were easy, then I guess it wouldn't be worth it, to try...being happy, and content, with the person that is inside, and with the whole of life outside, is for me a much better way...albeit sometimes (well, most of the time...), it's a lot harder. Being mostly inconsequental these days...sure, I work for SAP now...and my decisions affect millions of dollars...but that is just money. Mostly, I help people, in my job...problem-solving. It can be very stressful at times...but it pays the bills. I don't have a large amount of wealth, or personal property...and strangely, my life seems to be better for it...I'm certainly not participating in the Rat Race, anymore...and that dropped a load of weight from my shoulders. Our car is 16 years old...not because we can't afford a new one, but because it works just fine...why should I buy a new one? My computer, I put together myself, from peoples 'throw-away' parts...again, not because I couldn't buy a new one, but because it wasn't computer works just fine...and was a hell of a lot cheaper...and has more meaning to me, because I built it with my own hands, got the parts by scrounging around, asking, meeting people...that took time, of course...but I believe, that it was worth it...
So, I would say, to find the answers you are looking for, look inside...and maybe hear the words, of those now departed...but in the end, it's mostly about you. What do you need, to be happy, and content with yourself, and your life? The answers lie within...
And as a post note...honor your Grandpa. To help with dealing with your loss, it is often helpful to do doesn't have to be anything huge, or on a grand scale...just something...appropriate.
Feel free to contact me anytime, if you feel the need to talk...