Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Czech Republic via Bristol UK Insane since: Feb 2002
posted 01-30-2003 12:25
After Reading through the recent threads, and following on from Webshamens idea here is a thread for people to put forward their ideas for formal debate topics and discuss them in.
I have copied and pasted to suggestions put forward so far so we dont have to keep jumping threads.
quote: Thats right folks! Anyone is willing to join in on this topic can do so.
Here's the game plan.
I post a thread say... Once a month? I name a topic, anyone who wants to rant, can do so. Here is the catch. You don't exactly have to post formally, but you should have a formidable understanding over what you are saying. Obviously I don't want any flamewars or 1-3 sentence posts. Make your post valuable to the people who read them. There is no winner or loser because, everyone can join in! Any information from websites should be documented, because even though this isn't formal it is honorable and mentioning sources would be great to help people learn.
Ok, on with this months topic.
Should the U.S. go to war with Iraq? Yes or No? Why? Explain...
And absolutely NO SIGS! I ask any mad sci who spots a graphic sig edit it out immidiately! But of course slimies are aloud .
edit: And you can post more than once. Try not to control the thread.
quote: OK here's my suggestion
We take Insiders topic with a slightly different angle "Should the UN Sanction Military action to enforce UN resolutions against The Iraqi Regime"
Team A: The Iraqi Government
Team B:The USA And Coalition Partners
Team C:The UN
Team A puts forward its case
Team B their case
Team C their decision (in effect a mini debate)
And here is where the twist comes in.
The Mod/debate referee plays the role of weapons inspector, he will reveal at different times information that could be of benefit or detriment to both teams cases.
This will keep the debate lively and giving it a few unextpected curves aswell
[Emp edit: Added link to 'Webshaman' idea']
[This message has been edited by Emperor (edited 01-30-2003).]
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Happy Hunting Grounds... Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 01-30-2003 13:19
Thanks Tom...I'll get back to here, after thinking on some topics...Ok, St. Seneca brought up an interesting question -
"Debate the pros and cons of Creationism and provide evidence for or against it while steering clear of evolutionary arguements. "
Any takers?
[This message has been edited by WebShaman (edited 01-30-2003).]
[This message has been edited by WebShaman (edited 01-30-2003).]
St. Seneca
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: 3rd shelf, behind the cereal Insane since: Dec 2000
posted 01-30-2003 14:56
Slinky: Is it really fun for a girl or a boy?
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: cEll 513, west wing of the ninth plain Insane since: Dec 2000
posted 01-30-2003 16:52
we could discuss Abortion? though that might be alittle to touchy of a subject
or we can talk about sex .. say should we wait til marriage or not? pro and con here
or have a debate on Terrorists .. a pro and con to discuss .. pro for why they are the way they are .. con for why they think the world is out to get them .. hmmmm just tossing shit out here
.::. cEll .::. 513
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Happy Hunting Grounds... Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 01-30-2003 16:57
Hey, the Abortion topic would be great! I would take the pro side...great topic!
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: North Carolina mountains Insane since: Dec 2000
posted 01-30-2003 18:58
quote: or we can talk about sex .. say should we wait til marriage or not? pro and con here
Following up on this idea ... abstinence-only sex education in school. Good or bad? I say bad, very bad.
quote: "Debate the pros and cons of Creationism and provide evidence for or against it while steering clear of evolutionary arguements. "
I would love to see someone present evidence for creationism! And if evolution can't be brought up, then neither can the bible! hehehehehe
Cell Number: 494 / Inkstick
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Happy Hunting Grounds... Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 01-30-2003 21:57
Oooooh....that's very good, BeeKay. I really like that...I would even be prepared to participate...
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: New California Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 01-30-2003 22:29
Creationism is partly based on the book of Genesis so I don't think you could do that, BeeKay. It would be like saying you couldn't mention the Origin of the Species while arguing for Evolution.
St. Seneca
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: 3rd shelf, behind the cereal Insane since: Dec 2000
posted 01-30-2003 23:19
I think it should be a discussion of Creationism as a scientific theory. While the bible should be cited, evidence in the scientific sense would also need to be provided to prove or at the very least corroborate the biblical passages.
The only creationist arguements I've ever heard have been along the lines: "evolution cannot explain this aspect, the whole thing is rubbish. Therefore, creationism is right."
If creationism is a solid scientific theory, I really want to hear about its merits without comparisons to evolution.
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Raleigh, NC Insane since: Jan 2003
posted 01-30-2003 23:36
Not religion, not ethics, not policies... it should be a debate on what really matters:
paper, or plastic?
"Salting the back of a snail... My turkish prison is knowing that i fit in...."- Glassjaw
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: New California Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 01-31-2003 00:31
There are plenty of creationists that back up their claims with scientific evidence. I'm not sure how many here are in that camp but there was someone a while back who definitely was. And not only a creationist but a "young earth" creationist. That would make for a very interesting debate.
Ah yes! It was qadash. And he even presented some evidence of his position in this thread.
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Raleigh, NC Insane since: Jan 2003
posted 01-31-2003 03:38
or: What came first the chicken or the egg? (i bet its been done before )
how about: What primitive species of ape would better serve this country as a president than Dubya?
Perhaps: Favorite sexual position? Doggie isn't so style now.
or even: If a fly could have a religious belief (who knows if they do or dont?) what religion would they follow?
"Salting the back of a snail... My turkish prison is knowing that i fit in...."- Glassjaw
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: New California Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 01-31-2003 05:26
I think we tackled why the chicken crossed the road. Does that count?
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: out there Insane since: Oct 2001
posted 02-01-2003 01:03
thanks to bugs for the link to the noahs ark thread--i only skimmed but will reread when i get time--great thread--along the lines of creation vs evolution (seems to be the hot topic) WS's last post there gave me the idea of a possible topic--science vs religion as a system--that might be a bit unclear--help me here?--oh well, just a suggestion
concerning formats--i like tom's suggestion--if there are enough volunteers--maybe refine it--?
concerning the faqwiki--i searched for debate and only found it in asylum diary (thanks suho)--i don't know where to put it--some body help--?
is there a place to vote on topics?--formats?
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist with Finglongers
From: Cell 53, East Wing Insane since: Jul 2001
posted 02-01-2003 04:31
quote: concerning the faqwiki--i searched for debate and only found it in asylum diary (thanks suho)--i don't know where to put it--some body help--?
I'm not sure what you are planning - let us know and we'll point you in the right direction 
FAQs: Emperor
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: out there Insane since: Oct 2001
posted 02-02-2003 04:45
i can't access the test page
how do i link internal links?
i can't edit some things i'd like to
where are the instructions?
this needs work
i'm too lazy
try again later

Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: out there Insane since: Oct 2001
posted 02-02-2003 23:52
[This message has been edited by outcydr (edited 02-05-2003).]
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: out there Insane since: Oct 2001
posted 02-04-2003 01:55
[This message has been edited by outcydr (edited 02-05-2003).]
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: cEll 513, west wing of the ninth plain Insane since: Dec 2000
posted 02-08-2003 21:58
since it's become a hot topic of discussion in the lastest "What would you Do?" thread
so here is a good formal debate
Premarital sex .. ok or not .. pro side for not having sex .. pro side for having sex before marriage
yes? no?
.::. cEll .::. 513