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Obsessive-Compulsive (I) Inmate

Insane since: Sep 2003

posted posted 09-21-2003 11:33

Hi there, all skinners!

I'm a 23 year old programmer from Norway. Since my skill as a programmer is better than graphics I've turned to YOU for help!

My current project is a simple window util that allows you to hide-, make always on top-, and make transparent-windows. You can check out the window util on this page: or

The program is used now by around 1000 users, and the feedback is so good that i've decided to make a V2.0.

Many users have asked for more graphics, but none of them have any skills doing so. So if you are interested to make some simple buttons for Winutil then you're name/webpage will be included in the 2.0 version of the program when it is released.

I've thinking of making a better skin chooser in the program, so we can put info about each skin, that way we can generate more hits on your webpage, or other promos!

If you're interested you can send me an email to:

I will then send you the beta version of the 2.0 that will include a new drawingsystem that are more integrated. In other words the "floating window" is removed and buttons are drawed directly on each window!

Hope to hear from you, regards

Lars Werner

Moon Shadow
Paranoid (IV) Inmate

From: Rouen, France
Insane since: Jan 2003

posted posted 09-21-2003 11:50

I would be tempted to say that only one topic was necessary large... Don't worry, I'm sure some folks around will be interested, you do not need to post everywhere to get an audience here

Anyway, welcome here, and good luck for your little project.

Maniac (V) Mad Scientist

From: :morF
Insane since: May 2000

posted posted 09-21-2003 12:46

Well, yes, especially since this is in entirely the wrong forum...requests for work go to outpatient counselling, and that's where this is going...and your other one in the Ozone forum will be Moon Shadow thread per topic, otherwise it's called spamming.

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