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The Terri Schindler Life Ribbon Campaign acts as a beacon pointing to Terri's plight. It also acts as lighthouse and gateway to others who already Realize and stand as Witness to Terri's inherent right to life and rehabilitation,. It is apparent that Michael Schiavo, George Felos, Deborah Bushnell and Co. must be bound by laws in order to be forced out of Terri's life. Let us continue to spread the word and take actions,. for Terri.
Juan Schoch
Help Us Protect And Ensure Life
And Liberty For Terri Schindler!
Become a Life Ribbon Site
You are encouraged to place a Life Ribbon Campaign banner on your servers and web pages to support/participate in the campaign described on this page at
Questions to:
Also looking for co-ordinators for Terri Life Ribbon Meet-ups in their particular states.