Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: Houston, Texas Insane since: Dec 2001
posted 12-12-2003 23:02
I am a member of the Metallica BB at their site. Almost everyone their thinks anything either not metallica or from the 80s and before is shit. now take a look at this conversation.
I am Master of Disharmony. This conversation really is amazing, these people cant read everything written. Not once have i gotten a comment about :
"Stubborn people deny their stubborn"
Just goes to prove my point.
Cell 650
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist with Finglongers
From: Cell 53, East Wing Insane since: Jul 2001
posted 12-12-2003 23:22
Patrick: You need to be logged in to view that thread - glad it proved your point though (I'd have taken your word for it though) 
The Emperor dot org
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: Houston, Texas Insane since: Dec 2001
posted 12-16-2003 06:41
This is what really got them going :
quote: I noticed that many people here hate slipknot, I KNOW there are some who actually like them, myself included. Anyway, i would suggest those who dont like slip knot to give their next album a chance, at least download the music (I feel like i just said FUCK in a church) If you dont like at least you can say you gave them a chance, and be open minded about it too. Too many time I see people saying they hate a band but when you ask them why all they say is "they just suck" or "there will never be another metallica" or even "they suck big dick and ..." and so on. I know some wont change their ways, but i know some people here are willing to give something new a chance.
You may say well I didnt like the first to ablums and so i know the thrid will be bad.
You know how hipocritical that is. Many people here liked much of metallica's albums up til St. Anger, then you went into a fit because it was different.
That premise can work in a positive way though. Yeah slipknot may have put out two CDs you didnt like, but their 3rd album maybe different and may actually sound good to you. If you never give anything a chance, you will be giving up more and more clout in arguements or any credibilty. Listening to only Metallica or bands like Rush shows something about you. You may not realize it, but trust me other will see it.
What is it exactly, it is a resistance to try or do anything outside what or know is safe or has worked for you. That is why there are 700 pound shut ins and Amish. They dont take chances or risk. Do you want to end up a 700 pound shut in, I know women wouldnt like it, or at least 99% of them wouldnt.
So take a fucking chance or continue to suck the dick of conformity.
And for those who take offense, take it somewhere else. Those who actually dont want to insult or be childish go right ahead. Really helps weed out the ignorant
this is the main offender's post:
quote: Khlaran wrote:
Get the fuck out of here. If you think the kind of shite put out by bands like Slipnot is actually good music then I reckon it's you who need to expand your musical horizons, not us. Contrary to what you may believe, most folks in the GD forum tend to listen to some pretty diverse forms of music. We get by just fine without listening the latest crap that's played on MTV.
master of disharmony wrote:
Dude, did you even read the entire post? That is what i mean by childish, take it some where else or try to stay with what the thread is about. please, dont make this a name calling thread or even a band bashing one.
was not towards you. Stick to what people are saying to you not others.
Then I'll assume it was directed towards me, and I'll respond to your original post.
I noticed that many people here hate slipknot, I KNOW there are some who actually like them, myself included. Anyway, i would suggest those who dont like slip knot to give their next album a chance, at least download the music (I feel like i just said FUCK in a church)
Let's see... their first album was crap... and then their second album was crap... are you seeing a trend here? Odds are album number three will be crap too. Shitty MTV bands like Slipknot, Limp Bizkit, and Linkin Park generally do change over time, but that's only because they get worse and not better. I'm sure I'll hear more than enough of this Goddamn album (considering that we get a bunch of Des Moines stations here that do nothing but suck Corey Taylor's dick) but it won't be by choice.
If you dont like at least you can say you gave them a chance, and be open minded about it too. Too many time I see people saying they hate a band but when you ask them why all they say is "they just suck"
Do you want reasons? Ok, first of all, if they have all this talent that people claim they have, they need to SHOW IT. Secondly, they need to lose the dumbass gimmick. Finally, they need to drop a few of their members and write some songs that aren't just incoherent noise.
I would also like to add that I have seen this band in concert, and it was the most boring hour and a half of my life. Both Rammstein (one of the opening bands, and the only reason I was at the concert) and System of a Down (a co-headliner) blew them off the stage.
or "there will never be another metallica"
I've never said that.
or even "they suck big dick and ..." and so on.
Well... they probably do.
I know some wont change their ways, but i know some people here are willing to give something new a chance.
I've given them more than enough of a chance.
You may say well I didnt like the first to ablums and so i know the thrid will be bad.
...and it probably will be.
You know how hipocritical that is.
How, exactly? I'm not opposed to change. If something changes for the better, that's a good thing. If it changes for the worse, that's a bad thing. I suppose Slipknot might stop sucking some day, but I doubt it will ever happen.
Many people here liked much of metallica's albums up til St. Anger, then you went into a fit because it was different.
Actually, I don't like it because it sucks. It has nothing to do with it being different.
That premise can work in a positive way though. Yeah slipknot may have put out two CDs you didnt like, but their 3rd album maybe different and may actually sound good to you.
Not fucking likely.
If you never give anything a chance, you will be giving up more and more clout in arguements or any credibilty.
They had their chance (twice) and they proved that they suck.
Listening to only Metallica or bands like Rush shows something about you. You may not realize it, but trust me other will see it.
Yeah... because I don't listen to anything besides those two bands...
What is it exactly, it is a resistance to try or do anything outside what or know is safe or has worked for you. That is why there are 700 pound shut ins and Amish. They dont take chances or risk. Do you want to end up a 700 pound shut in, I know women wouldnt like it, or at least 99% of them wouldnt.
Does it hurt to be that stupid?
So take a fucking chance or continue to suck the dick of conformity.
Actually, conformity would be listening to what MTV tells me to listen to.
And for those who take offense, take it somewhere else. Those who actually dont want to insult or be childish go right ahead. Really helps weed out the ignorant
I'll take it wherever I want.
The bottom line is, you are entitled to listen to whatever you want and call it good, but I'm entitled to call it crap if I want. Like I said in another thread, you can listen to whatever you want, but just don't expect me to like it.
my reply later after other post:
quote: Oh this is grand...
I never once said that you must listen to new stuff, i merely am trying to send on point of view to you in hopes you might change your mind. Take it or leave it but dont try to make this thread more than it actually is. It's childish and moronic.
I see that some of you cant or dont like to read.
Stubborn people deny that they're stubborn
rat13 wrote:
master of disharmony wrote:
So take a fucking chance or continue to suck the dick of conformity.
And you've made yourself look like an ass now. You're sooo cool, a non-conformist. That's original.
Would you expect a 13 year old Slipknot fan to be anything else?
I am 18 you asshole. I know no 13yr olds who listen to Slipknot. It really is stupid to even think 13 yr olds listen to slipknot anyway. Most 13 yr olds listen to pop and hip hop. They want to fit into the crowd not be outside of it.
Get the fuck out of here. If you think the kind of shite put out by bands like Slipnot is actually good music then I reckon it's you who need to expand your musical horizons, not us. Contrary to what you may believe, most folks in the GD forum tend to listen to some pretty diverse forms of music. We get by just fine without listening the latest crap that's played on MTV.
Slipknot does not get played on MTV, it was never put into rotation. I dont like slipknots videos anyway. They are cheesy. I listen to almost anything, From Outkast to Dimmu Borgir. So if that aint diverse i dont know what is. Im not a fan of rap or hip hop, but i will listen to the orginal rapppers from Compton and New York, but not any other shit. IYou show me proof Dimmu or Cradle of Filth gets played on MTV here in the US then I will accept it and stop with this.
I don't watch much MTV anymore, they never play anything worth watching. Personally i would love to stick a shot gun barrel in the mouths of MTV execs and blow their fucking heads away.
If i were to watch anything religiously on MTV or MTV2 would be Headbangers Ball. Most of what is truly good music never will get played on any MTV. I hate to burst that fucking bubble.
Instead of saying i need to diversify my music taste why dont you tell me some of what you listen to that isnt 80sor 70s metal.
I was trying to start a conversation about the possibility that Slipknots next album maybe good. And for those who have felt Slipknot was bad, to give a view point of view outside that of the general New Music hating opinions around here.
What is it exactly, it is a resistance to try or do anything outside what or know is safe or has worked for you. That is why there are 700 pound shut ins and Amish. They dont take chances or risk. Do you want to end up a 700 pound shut in, I know women wouldnt like it, or at least 99% of them wouldnt.
Does it hurt to be that stupid?
How is that being stupid? I am giving an exapmle of people who dont try to change, they stick with the same old same old. Dont look to far into that, it is a fucking example, used to relate my topic.
Instead of saying i need to diversify my music taste why dont you tell me some of what you listen to that isnt 80sor 70s metal.
So blow it out you asshole. Im not the one who insist on continually bashing bands that arent Metallica.
yet another person's response to the abouve
quote: master of disharmony wrote:
Slipknot does not get played on MTV, it was never put into rotation. I dont like slipknots videos anyway. They are cheesy. I listen to almost anything, From Outkast to Dimmu Borgir. So if that aint diverse i dont know what is. Im not a fan of rap or hip hop, but i will listen to the orginal rapppers from Compton and New York, but not any other shit. IYou show me proof Dimmu or Cradle of Filth gets played on MTV here in the US then I will accept it and stop with this.
Ooooh! Cradle of Filth and Dimmu Borgir! My god you are much too "kvlt" for me man, Cradle of Filth is only on a major record label. And Dimmu Borgir is way too bad assed for me, I bow down to thee.
I don't watch much MTV anymore, they never play anything worth watching. Personally i would love to stick a shot gun barrel in the mouths of MTV execs and blow their fucking heads away.
If i were to watch anything religiously on MTV or MTV2 would be Headbangers Ball. Most of what is truly good music never will get played on any MTV. I hate to burst that fucking bubble.
I don't know whether to label this ironic or hypocritical. Regardless, Headbangers Ball is terrible, just like everything else on MTV.
Instead of saying i need to diversify my music taste why dont you tell me some of what you listen to that isnt 80sor 70s metal.
I was trying to start a conversation about the possibility that Slipknots next album maybe good. And for those who have felt Slipknot was bad, to give a view point of view outside that of the general New Music hating opinions around here.
How is that being stupid? I am giving an exapmle of people who dont try to change, they stick with the same old same old.
Ok, you tell me the names of the people who are exactly like you described. Especially the "700 pound shut ins." Oh, and you're stereotypes that don't exist are pretty weak bases for your non-existant arguements. Though I do feel pretty damn compelled to listen to Slipknot now that you've brought up the Amish. Sounds like Slipknot will prevent me from raising barns the rest of my life. I feel so compelled to buy Iowa.
Dont look to far into that, it is a fucking example, used to relate my topic.
REALLY? Well by golly, I'm sure glad you mentioned that, otherwise I would have spent the next 30 minutes attempting to decipher the incredible anecdote you presented to us. Thanks bud, you really did us all a favor there.
Instead of saying i need to diversify my music taste why dont you tell me some of what you listen to that isnt 80sor 70s metal.
Twice. Are you going for that lucky third time's a charm?
So blow it out you asshole. Im not the one who insist on continually bashing bands that arent Metallica.
It's ok, Metallica isn't much better.
i hope you know can get some picture of the arguement
Cell 650
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: The Demented Side of the Fence Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 12-16-2003 09:45
Okay. Who's read all that?
(Digging up an old picture to pretend I'm witty)
[This message has been edited by mahjqa (edited 12-16-2003).]
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: under the bed Insane since: Feb 2000
posted 12-16-2003 15:08
you couldn't make your point there, so you're trying to make it here without them......? 
I think mahjqa summed it up perfectly =)
Gilbert Nolander
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Washington DC Insane since: May 2002
posted 12-16-2003 16:42
It seems like most of them read it all to me.
I don't really understand what you are asking us here?
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Greensboro, NC USA Insane since: Jun 2002
posted 12-16-2003 21:36
Musical tastes are so personal. Why on earth would you get into an argument with someone about what they thought was good or not? Everyone hears things a little bit differently.
Personally, I liked Metallica's first 4 albums, and have hated everything else they've put out. Does that make me stupid or stubborn? How the h*ll do you know what's good and I don't? I know what's good for me, musically... why should I even care what's good for someone else? It's their perogative to like what they like, and mine to like what I like.
And I agree - mahjqa does indeed sum it up perfectly... Nice image, BTW...
Gilbert Nolander
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Washington DC Insane since: May 2002
posted 12-16-2003 21:46
I really like the new metallica, at least the first 5 or 6 songs. Then it gets a bit old.
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Greensboro, NC USA Insane since: Jun 2002
posted 12-16-2003 21:49
If I can't listen to a CD all the way through without skipping tracks, it's not worth owning... Make a whole album, or don't even bother.
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: the Asylum ghetto Insane since: Oct 2002
posted 12-16-2003 22:43
i like metallica's S&M stuff (with the orchestra)...and well... i actually like alot of their stuff, but prefer the older stuff and the s&m stuff (but i also listen to hank williams jr....so what do i know hehe) 

Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Greensboro, NC USA Insane since: Jun 2002
posted 12-16-2003 22:44
And nobody better be knockin' ol Hank!

Cell 617
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Los Angeles Insane since: Nov 2003
posted 12-16-2003 22:45
So is this philosophy or silliness?
err... nevermind. It's obviously silliness. Who cares what another board thinks about wordy posters who prattle on endlessly about .... see? it's so unimportant I've alreadt forgot what the intent of the original post was.
I mean the original post that was copied into this one after the original post was... ouch, now my head hurts... Where's the cattle prod? Someone strap that 80's music bitch down so we can ZAP him.
Is this thing on?
A Work In Progress
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: under the bed Insane since: Feb 2000
posted 12-17-2003 02:08
quote: And nobody better be knockin' ol Hank!
If we're talking Hank, that's one thing.
If we're talking "junior", well....that's totally another. One not worth talking about =) (or refering to as "Hank" for that matter!)
As for Metallica - as far as I'm concerned they haven't actually existed since about 1988 or so....
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: the Asylum ghetto Insane since: Oct 2002
posted 12-17-2003 02:29
quote: If we're talking "junior", well....that's totally another. One not worth talking about =) (or refering to as "Hank" for that matter!)
oh pishah!! 

Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Los Angeles Insane since: Nov 2003
posted 12-17-2003 03:36
Is that a metal head lingo thing?
Is this thing on?
A Work In Progress
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: under the bed Insane since: Feb 2000
posted 12-17-2003 15:49
Nah, 'pishah' is a term people use when they have no credible defense for their bad taste.

Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: [s]underwater[/s] under-snow in Juneau Insane since: Sep 2002
posted 12-17-2003 16:39
I wasn't aware that Metallica EVER existed...... I had tickets to one of their concerts a few years back (ended up having to work instead), but only because Monster Magnet was opening the show.
But what do I know, I still listen to Led Zeppelin....the one true band.
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: under the bed Insane since: Feb 2000
posted 12-17-2003 17:44
Now don't get me wrong....I like Led Zeppelin, and I aknowledge their historical importance, but....they just get so tedious to listen to after a while.
I mean..... "oh, here we go, another pentatonic scale and another scream...yay" 
Thank god for John Paul Jones. 
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: Houston, Texas Insane since: Dec 2001
posted 01-06-2004 06:03
After going around to other places and read some the post i realized music is a subject better discussed in person, this way any threat can be backed up
Cell 650
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: a pocket dimention... Insane since: Sep 2002
posted 01-06-2004 08:06
Y M C A... it's fun to stay at the Yyyy Mmmm Cccc Aaaaaaa... la la la la la la...
hehe whee
It's only after we've lost everything...
That we're free to do anything...
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Vancouver, WA Insane since: Apr 2002
posted 01-06-2004 09:48
Oh c'mon...Listen to some true quality music peoples, like NSync

War is Peace,
Freedom is Slavery,
Ignorance is Strength.