Well the asylem does have a blueish appearance background = (12G, 22G, 40B, maroonish color is (50R 8G 8B) so what you see appears to be correct.
Adobe gamma should do the trick, it does as good a job as anything, have you adjucted your contrast, and brightness controls for your monitor, You may also have other color management systems inplace causeing a problem. Check that your graphics card is not applying a gamma correction. Never fully trust you monitor, if you are doing print work get yourself a process color guide and learn and trust colors by the numbers.
As for the Carmen Meranda test image, Here is what the doc's adobe doc's say:
--"The image Ole No Moire.tif is designed to help you calibrate (match) Photoshop's custom CMYK Setup for your CMYK output device.
You can use this image as a CMYK proof document as described in the Adobe Photoshop 7.0 User Guide under "Creating custom CMYK profiles". This image contains color samples of all the CMYK ink combinations necessary for calibrating CMYK color in Photoshop. After printing this proof, you can use a colorimeter or spectrophotometer to measure the color values in the printed output. Your measurements can then be used to adjust your settings in the Edit > Color Settings > Custom CMYK... dialog as follows: "--
I you could use it as a test image, perhap to see how close you screen is to your desktop inkjet but that could be done with any image. The carmen Merande pict is cymk image however so you may get strange results sending it to consumer inkjets drivers being optimised for RGB data converting to (CYMK) or (cCYmMK) on the fly.