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POW Week 43: Your Best Photo
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I liked the theme, because I can take part of it. Who doesn't have favorite pictures? :) Well, being a father of two cute daughters (just biased opinion :) ), my most loved and beautiful pictures are the ones that I have them as the main subject. So, it's very personal, but that's not against the rules. I'll present two. The first one was taken a couple of years ago, using a non-digital camera, and it has very little photoshop'ing because it went out of the scanner already good enough. [url=http://www.viol.com/images/number1.jpg] [img]http://www.viol.com/images/number1p.jpg[/img] [/url] The second one was taken very recently, using a digital camera, and it had to go through some photoshoping, to (1) decrease the warmth and (2) to correct for the blue introduced in the dark parts due to the correction mentioned in (1). Then I made the oval thing just for fun. [url=http://www.viol.com/images/number2.jpg] [img]http://www.viol.com/images/number2p.jpg[/img] [/url] I love the facial expressions of my daughters in both pictures. Not by coincidence, both pictures were taken at the late afternoon, when the sun is down (specially the second one) an adds a lot of warmth to the pictures. The second one has suffered of overexposition (especially in the red channel), but only in parts of it that are not relevant.
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